Monday, September 30, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 2 "Coming Back"

Tom's Take:

First off, sorry this is late. I didn't realize there were two episodes last week, so I'll make sure to finish writing this before I watch Episode three.

We have our second episode of the final season of How I Met Your Mother, and this one was a winner. It made me laugh on several occasions, and was also charming in that perfect blend that makes a good How I Met Your Mother episode worth watching. Fantastic job.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Episode 2 "Rule in Chaos"

Tom's Take:

We got our second episode, our first truel, and then our second vote. I continue to like this season, and I am really enjoying the layers behind this twist. Tonight's vote was based on utilizing the Redemption Island Switch, and voting out the loved ones of the stronger players on the other tribe.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Five Drinks Into Anime: Ten Anime in the First Ten Months of 2013

1. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Episodes: 27
Rating: 9.7

Review: This is without a doubt the best anime I've watched of the year. There is a childishness to this anime that may turn many away but I advise you don't let. This series is absolutely fantastic. The characters don't have a ton of depth, and there are a couple of weak episodes in the middle, but the completely over the top action and wild enthusiasm at this show's heart more than makes up for it. This show is damn inspiring. And you'll never be bored watching it. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 1 "The Locket"

Tom's Take:

Well it's here. The final season of How I Met Your Mother is upon us, and even though I was and still am firmly against how long the writers have dragged out the show, I am excited for the final season, and I like the format of having the whole season take place over a few days. And they're off to a good start as this was a pretty good episode that accomplished two very important things that I'll get to below.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Retrospective

Tom's Take:

So I'm taking this time to take a look back on Big Brother 15 and comparing my initial Cast Reactions to what they actually delivered.

First off, I want to take a moment to discuss the obvious controversy that overshadowed the rest of the season. Racism. Do I believe that any of these 16 BB15 houseguests is or was a racist? The honest answer to that is no. Nor do I think any of them were truly horrible people. I think most of the cast made racial or otherwise unsavory remarks, but that doesn't make them racist. Everyone has stereotypes in their head. And everyone I know has made some Non PC remarks from time to time. It happens. It's part of our culture, and honestly it's a part of human nature. Is it a positive part of our nature? No, and it shouldn't be encouraged. If you get cast on BB, I advise you to stay the fuck away from talking about anything racial or any stereotypes period. I think the HG's were dumb for forgetting the cameras were on, and their comments were stupid. But saying stupid shit doesn't make you Hitler. And these people gave up their privacy for the sake of our entertainment, and I don't think they deserve to be crucified for that. Because honestly, the things "fans" have said about these houseguests is far more horrific than anything the HG's themselves said.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Blood vs. Water Episode 1 "Blood is Thicker than Anything"

Tom's Take:

And we got our premiere. I am so excited about this season. We got a great first episode, and there was some great character development and backstory! The twist this season is doing a great job building in drama and relationships, and I'm doing incredibly well on my early predictions, which I always love.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Blood vs. Water Preview

Tom's Take:

Blood vs. Water is coming, and I'm really looking forward to it, especially after a season of Big Brother that was quite frankly too long, and very emotionally draining for me as my favorite got hated on by most of America. So now we have a new season of Survivor to look forward to, with lots of returning faces that weren't as expected as the returnees from last season. And of course, we have family and loved ones of our favorites. I actually like this twist as it will force people from opposing tribes to work together and will make the post merge more interesting. So let's dive in!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Weeks 11 and 12

Tom's Take:

The Floater Four Triumphed over McCrae, although he took Judd out for the second time in the process. We're left with the most hated Final Three in the history of the show, but there still is ONE decent player amongst them. Although Andy has gotten a lot of hatred online from all corners, he is playing the best game out of everyone left, so I'm endorsing him as being the last possible satisfactory winner.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 10

Tom's Take:

This was a really hard week for me to watch, as my favorite (Amanda) was evicted, and McCrae, who to be honest I don't particularly like but feel like I sort of HAVE to root for then made a totally boneheaded move and got rid of his only potential future ally in a move that quite frankly showed how in control of the game the Floater Four are. It'll be tough to watch the end of this season, but plod along I must.