Friday, September 13, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Weeks 11 and 12

Tom's Take:

The Floater Four Triumphed over McCrae, although he took Judd out for the second time in the process. We're left with the most hated Final Three in the history of the show, but there still is ONE decent player amongst them. Although Andy has gotten a lot of hatred online from all corners, he is playing the best game out of everyone left, so I'm endorsing him as being the last possible satisfactory winner.

I'm giving plus 20 for all jurors, and 30 for Amanda for still campaigning.  

1. Spencer

HoH: 30/100
Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 50
Alliances: Floating Four
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer continues on his path to second place, by eliminating Judd who as someone who had been evicted already should be a Jury Goat, and instead remained loyal to Andy, who he doesn't stand a chance against. I'm not impressed and the jury footage shows that he can't even beat GM in finals, so Spencer has officially lost the game in my mind.

2. Andy

HoH: 50/100
PoV: 0/100
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 60
Alliances: Floater Four
Awards: MVP

I don't know why Andy won that PoV, since it forced him to get blood on his hands, but I guess getting out McCrae was important enough for him to bloody himself up a bit. By taking out McCrae, Andy should have the jury vote locked up, so now all he needs to do is win that final HoH and get himself there. 

3. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 100
Alliances: The Floater Four
Awards: N/A

GM apparently bonded with Helen and Elissa enough to get her some supporters in the jury house. Gina Marie winning this game would be a travesty, but if she wins the Final HoH and votes out Andy, that's what will happen. Which I guess goes to show that anyone can win Big Brother.

4. McCrae

PoV: 50/100
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 90
Alliances:  McCranda, 
Awards: N/A

McCrae held off the Floater Four for one round, but ultimately couldn't last much longer. He was the "Britney" of the season as he got that lovable moment where the Floater Four told him about themselves, although he had only fallen for it for one week, so it's really not all that embarrassing a moment. His interview with Julie left some to be desired for a diehard Amanda fan like me, but he was complimentary about her, and he has every right to be unsure whether they're going to work out outside of the house. McCrae has major self esteem issues, and I think most of his hesitation with Amanda had to do with him not feeling like he was worthy of her. His game was kind of lame, and I actually agreed with Candice's points in jury about him, but hopefully he realizes that Amanda was the true prize of this summer.

5.  Judd 2.0

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 150
Alliances: The Floater Four
Awards: N/A

Judd lost his temper this week as the Floater Four refused to just be honest with him, and instead insisted on blindsiding him again. He was evicted once already, so he didn't deserve to win, but it was still kind of sad to see him go again.


1. Andy: 1465
2. Amanda: 1435
3. Aaryn: 1135
4. Judd: 1000
5. McCrae: 845
6. Helen: 790
7. Spencer: 680
8. Elissa: 655
9. GinaMarie: 580
10. Howard: 515
11. Jessie: 510
12. Candice: 280
13. Jeremy: 250
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1930
2. Aaryn: 1180
3. Judd: 755
4. McCrae: 745
5. Ginamarie: 745
6. Elissa: 660
7.  Andy: 605
8. Helen: 545
9. Spencer: 440
10. Howard: 350
11. Candice: 345
12.  Jessie: 325
13. Jeremy: 300
14. Kaitlin: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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