Monday, September 23, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 1 "The Locket"

Tom's Take:

Well it's here. The final season of How I Met Your Mother is upon us, and even though I was and still am firmly against how long the writers have dragged out the show, I am excited for the final season, and I like the format of having the whole season take place over a few days. And they're off to a good start as this was a pretty good episode that accomplished two very important things that I'll get to below.

First off, this episode set up the major conflict of the season. Ted. Yes that right. Ted is the Big Bad of Season Nine of How I Met Your Mother. Over the last eight seasons, Barney has always been the most dynamic character of the cast, and his relationship with Robin is for me the relationship I've been rooting for since I first began watching (season four was when I first joined the HIMYM fan faithful.) So more than anything, I want this wedding to go off without a hitch, which means that anything that stands in the way of that is a problem. And right now the biggest obstacle for this wedding is Ted and his continued OBSESSION with Robin. Yes, that's right. I said it. Ted continuing to go after Robin at this point is an obsession, because it's done. It's been done since Season Two, and yet Ted (and Ted and Robin shippers) just can't get off it. So Ted is the villain of the season, and Barney is the hero. Barney will have to defeat Ted, (and Barney/Robin shippers will have to defeat Ted/Robin shippers) in order to finally put an end to his obsession that has been drawn out over nine seasons. So he can finally move on.

Which brings me to the second very important thing this episode accomplished. It showed us what or more importantly who there is for Ted to move on to.

The Mother. We got our first scene with The Mother in this episode, as she is introduced on the train with Lily. And I am happy to say that I like her. Cristin Milioti seemed like an odd choice, when I first saw her,  just because she looks so young to me, but she has the presence to feel the part I think, and I like how the writers are writing her. She has personality. Yes she's cheesy, but so is Ted, and honestly so is the show at this point. And that's okay. Cheesy is okay, as long as it's satisfying and we can end this series knowing that all our characters' arcs have been resolved, and that this group of friends are happy. Because that's all that we care about now.

Predictions: Okay, I'm going to make 23 predictions for How I Met Your Mother Season Nine (One for each remaining episode.)

1. Marshall will miss the plane, and spend at least a couple of episodes using other forms of transportation to get to New York.
2. There actually will be a Bear on  the show.
3. Barney will be the main cast member who spends the most time with The Mother.
4. Lily won't find out about the Judge job until at least Episode Four.
5. One episode will be a complete flashback episode, that spends less than one real time minute at the wedding.
6. We will get at least three new flashforward scenes.
7. Every "wild card" will show up this season.
8.  The Slap Bet will be completely resolved.
9. There will be Memento like episode that keeps rewinding.
10. There will be a physical fight.
11. Every main character will use the word Legendary this season.
12. Every main character will cry at least once this season.
13. Ranjit will show up again.
14. There will be some sort of alternate universe mentioned.
15.  We will learn over 50 new things about Ted and the Mother's future relationship this season. Current Count: 3. Driving Gloves, Her obsession for old historic points, and her nickname for him driving slow.
16. The Wedding itself will start before Episode 20.
17. The Bar will be a set for the finale and at least three other episodes.
18. Marshall and Lily won't end up going to Rome.
19. Ted will kiss Robin.
20. Robin will reject Ted.
21. Lily spends more of this season with Barney than with Marshall.
22. Marshall will spend more of the season with Ted than Lily.
23. I will be happy with the finale.

Things I found funny in this episode:

Canada jokes! Always funny. They never get old.
The reference to King Joffrey being a wise King. Barney is totally #TeamLannister
Obviously enjoy the Ring Bear joke.
The cookies being "sunofabitch"
Marshall's mother continually running into pornography online. An obvious joke, but it was funny.
Ted. Overall Ted was very funny with his pretentious comedy. His driving gloves in particular made me laugh.

Episode MVP: Ted (although props to the Mother as well.)

Rating: 8.0 out of 10. A very solid premiere episode to the final season.

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