Saturday, September 14, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Blood vs. Water Preview

Tom's Take:

Blood vs. Water is coming, and I'm really looking forward to it, especially after a season of Big Brother that was quite frankly too long, and very emotionally draining for me as my favorite got hated on by most of America. So now we have a new season of Survivor to look forward to, with lots of returning faces that weren't as expected as the returnees from last season. And of course, we have family and loved ones of our favorites. I actually like this twist as it will force people from opposing tribes to work together and will make the post merge more interesting. So let's dive in!

I think with the return of Redemption Island, this season is going to favor the strong competitors, and I also think the guys of this season are more likely than ever to "bro down" while the girls of the season will be torn apart by trying to protect their men and getting into catty fights. I also think the tribes seem fairly balanced in terms of competition strength, with the loved ones even having a little edge. So I think the early boots will all be returning women players.

Let's dive into the players and what I'm predicting each of them does.

Loved Ones

1. Hayden

Hayden is our first Big Brother/ Survivor crossover, and I am super psyched to be seeing Hayden on this season of Survivor. Hayden is one of the most underrated winners of Big Brother, since the Brigade's strategy was so dominant, but if anything this shows signs of how Hayden was made for Survivor, since the Brigade operated much like a well oiled Survivor Alliance. On top of that, Hayden is athletic, charismatic, and smart but in a way where you will underestimate him. I'm all in on Hayden this season.

Prediction: Winner

2. Rachel

Tyson's girlfriend. I've only seen Tyson on Survivor Heroes vs. Villains, so I don't know his game too well, but I think he'll be part of a Guy Powerhouse alliance, and I think Rachel will make the merge and join forces with them. Once there, I think she and Tyson will become a liability to the alliance, and then get mid to late jury. I'm seeing a 6th or 7th place finish for Rachel.

Prediction: Late Juror

3. Vytas

Vytas is a brother to a Survivor winner, which means he'll be part of a winner's alliance in this season, and I think he will team up with Hayden on the loved one side of the game. They will dominate early, make the merge and complete the Guy Powerhouse Alliance that will take Vytas far in the game. I think Hayden will keep him around further than the other guys due to them bonding early in the game.

Prediction: Finalist

4. Laura B.

Laura Boneham is the wife of Survivor Favorite, Rupert. I loved Rupert the first time he played, and voted for him to win the fan favorite prize during Survivor Allstars. That said, I don't think the Bonehams are going to play very well this season, although I think they'll get a lot of air time early since they'll be fan favorites. I see Laura being the first loved one voted out of the game, and I think Rupert will 100% take advantage of the choice to go to Redemption Island in her place. She will then join the returning player's tribe, where she will get booted herself.

Prediction: Early Boot

5. Cierra

I think Cierra will hitch her wagon to Hayden and Vytas, and these three will form the core of the alliance that dominates the loved ones' tribe. I think her mom will get voted out early on the returnee tribe, which means when she gets to the merge Cierra will be less of a target, and people will let her make it to the end, but she will not impress the jury at all and get zero votes.

Prediction: Finalist

6. Katie

Katie is the daughter of Tina, the Winner of Survivor Australia. I think she'll be a weak link on her tribe and voted out early. 

Prediction: Pre-Merge

7. Caleb

Caleb is the fiance of notorious Survivor One World villain Colton. Caleb will probably last longer than Colton, due to the disparity in their reputations, and I think he'll manage to get in the majority alliance on his tribe, but once the merge alliance is formed, I think he'll end up on the outs and be voted out quickly.

Prediction: Early Juror.

8. Brad

Brad Culpepper is a former pro football player and the husband of Monica from One World. His athleticism will make him a valuable member of  his tribe, which will lead to him getting a fast pass to the merge. Once there, he'll be an individual immunity challenge threat, and he will be quickly eliminated.

Prediction: Early Juror

9. John

Candice's husband John is another loved one who I think will make it further than their partner. I hate to make stale predictions, but he's another one who I think will be gotten rid of once they hit the merge and the real power alliance of the season is formed.

Prediction: Early Juror

10. Marissa

Marissa is the niece of Gervase from the original Survivor. She looks athletic, so it's possible that she makes it the merge, but I'm going to guess she comes up just short, but maybe she makes a splash on Redemption Island.

Prediction: Pre-Merge

11. Gervase

I don't know why Gervase wasn't in the first Survivor All-Stars, because I remember him as a major character in the original Survivor. I am super pumped to see Gervase back, and I think if something happens to Hayden, Gervase will be my backup pick to win. I think he and Tyson will join the Winner's Alliance, and dominate their tribe in the first half of the game. Then I think they'll link up with Hayden, Vytas, Cierra, and Rachel to reach the top 8. At this point, I think Gervase will help Hayden take control of the game, but will gotten rid of right before the end.

Prediction: Late Juror

12. Tina

Tina might be the first boot this season, but I think she's smart enough and a good enough social player to join forces with Aras and flip the script on the One World players to take control of the game. She will join Gervase in playing a really strong hand in shaping the end game as I think Hayden and Tyson will be the two major choices at the end of the season, and I think she'll end up choosing Hayden who won't have a partner over Tyson who will.

13. Rupert

I was a huge Rupert fan back in the day, but I don't think he was ever a particularly great player. He's a strong competitor, so I don't think he'll be taken out pre-jury unless he volunteers to take Redemption Island on for the sake of his wife, which is just what I predict will happen. 

Prediction: Early Boot


14. Aras

I have to admit that I never watched Survivor Panama, so I don't know how good Aras is, but I've already predicted that he forges a Winner's alliance with Tina, and draws Tyson and Gervase into a Guy's Super Alliance. I also think he and his brother will be the last pair to be split up, but I do think they will split up, as I don't think a pair will survive intact into the Final Tribal.

Prediction: Late Juror

15. Tyson

Tyson will choose early on this season whether he wants to bro down with Aras, or help out the One World group. I think he'll bro down. He'll be pivotal though at the start of the game, and it'll be pretty far into the season when someone takes him out as a threat.

Prediction: Late Juror

16. Candice

Candice is notorious for being a traitor. She won't last long this season.

Prediction: Early Boot

17. Laura M.

I don't really remember Laura from Survivor Samoa.

Prediction: Pre-Merge

18. Monica

The One World players could take control of the game early. I think the guys will put a stop to that though, and Monica will be taken out early.

Prediction: Early Boot

19. Colton

Colton was pretty vile his season, but he was interesting to watch. I actually kind of hope he goes far this season, but I doubt people are going to let the One Worlders survive long.

Prediction: Pre-Merge

20. Kat

I predict that Hayden will win Survivor. But I think his girlfriend Kat will be one of the first castaways to be cast off this season. She's fun to watch, but she was not a good player.

Prediction: Early Boot

So there we go. I can't wait for Survivor Blood vs. Water to start!

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