Monday, September 9, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 10

Tom's Take:

This was a really hard week for me to watch, as my favorite (Amanda) was evicted, and McCrae, who to be honest I don't particularly like but feel like I sort of HAVE to root for then made a totally boneheaded move and got rid of his only potential future ally in a move that quite frankly showed how in control of the game the Floater Four are. It'll be tough to watch the end of this season, but plod along I must.

1. Spencer

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 80
Alliances: Floating Four
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer continues to volunteer to go on the block, because he just doesn't care. Seriously, I don't see any way Spencer doesn't make the Final Two at this point, but I also don't see any way he wins. He is officially a goat, but congratulations on making 50 grand.

2. Amanda

Strategy: 50
Social: 90
Show: 330
Alliances: McCranda, 
Awards: Future Allstar

I love Amanda, and I hope she comes back in a future season. I wish for all the best for her and McCrae, though to be honest I think she needs a different type of guy, but that's for her to decide. She fought hard this week, doing really well in the PoV competition, and then even when her back was against the wall she managed to convince Elissa to vote to keep her. Unfortunately she failed to get Andy's vote as he finally turned on her in a pretty brutal betrayal that has all of the internet in an uproar. She handled her eviction with class though, and managed to turn a mob/audience to her favor with her charm and personality. Even though this week was hard to watch for me, I still thought CBS did a good job with the veto episode making sure that they FINALLY showed how much Amanda and McCrae were in love, and Amanda left her mark on this season for sure.

3. Andy

Strategy: 80
Social: 100
Show: 130
Alliances: Floater Four
Awards: MVP

Andy kicked his game to a new and very different place this week, as he is now the Dan of the season. He's playing far and away the best strategic game of anyone left in the house, as he broke up McCranda while still keeping a rope around McCrae's neck to control him. The only fault in his game is jury management, but even there I think he has better relationships with the jury than anyone. The only person I think can beat him is McCrae due to the Amanda factor, and a McCrae/Andy final two isn't going to happen.

4. Elissa

Strategy: 90
Social: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Elissa ended up seeing that she needed McCranda to stick in the house in order to keep the target off of her. Unfortunately she didn't have a good enough social game to convince anyone to flip with her. She also didn't have enough game during the double eviction to convince McCrae that she was his only ally in the house, and left right after her long time nemesis Amanda.  

5. GinaMarie 

HoH: 70/100
Strategy: 40
Social: 60
Show: 170
Alliances: The Floater Four
Awards: N/A

GM took out Amanda which is going to do a lot for her chances of winning a jury vote, although she also fails to keep Elissa, her backup alliance in the game, and she has allowed Andy to get too much power. I rank her chances of winning as third among the remaining houseguests, after Andy and McCrae, but we'll have to see if she has the game to get there.

6. McCrae

HoH: 10/100
PoV: 50/50
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 160
Alliances:  McCranda, 
Awards: Worst Move for getting out his only potential ally.

McCrae won two comps and got himself to the Final Five, but he lost his only possible allies in the process, and one of them he lost at his own hand. McCrae is probably the most over rated HG by America, since they have it in their heads that without Amanda, McCrae would be a brilliant player. Let me tell you something. McCrae has ridden Amanda's coat tails up to this point, because he has NO game without her. He's going to just do what everyone wants him to from here on out, and his only chance of making it to the final two is by winning out. Now, if he does that, Amanda will have the jury primed to vote for him to win, but if he had any game he would be able to get there without needing to win all the comps. 

7.  Judd 2.0

PoV: 30/100
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 140
Alliances: The Floater Four
Awards: N/A

Judd has gotten this far because McCranda and Elissa took each other out. In other words, he's gotten this far since coming back because he was a floater like the rest of his "alliance" which is why I've renamed them the Floater Four. I loved Judd 1.0, but Judd 2.0 has very little game. He was fun for the feeds, but I wish he had never come back. 


1. Amanda: 1435
2. Andy: 1315
3. Aaryn: 1135
4. Judd: 1000
5. McCrae: 795
6. Helen: 790
7. Elissa: 655
8. Spencer: 610
9. GinaMarie: 560
10. Howard: 515
11. Jessie: 510
12. Candice: 280
13. Jeremy: 250
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1900
2. Aaryn: 1160
3. McCrae: 655
4. Ginamarie: 645
5. Elissa: 640
6. Judd: 605
7.  Andy: 545
8. Helen: 525
9. Spencer: 390
10. Howard: 350
11. Candice: 325
12.  Jessie: 305
13. Jeremy: 300
14. Kaitlin: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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