Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Game and Show Week 13

Tom's Take:

And we have an ending!

1. Spencer

Show: 40
Alliances: Floating Four
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer got cut at the end, making him the Adam Poch of the season in placement as well as appearance. He voted for Andy though, so props for that.  

2. Andy

HoH: 30/100

Strategy: 70
Show: 90
Alliances: Floater Four
Awards: Winner

I thought Andy should have taken Spencer, but he owned those Jury questions, and won in a 7-2 blowout. The only holdouts were Aaryn (GM's best friend) and Judd (bitter)

Andy was the best player this season, (outplaying his major competition, Amanda) and he knew it. He also told the jury why in a perfect way that charmed them, just like he charmed them all season. This was a well deserved win, and I'm ranking Andy as at least an upper half winner. Better than Lisa, Drew, Adam, Jordan, and Rachel for sure, and I'd argue for him against a few others. 

3. GinaMarie 

Show: 80
Alliances: The Floater Four
Awards: 2nd Place

GM got 2nd place, and had one of the most pathetic outings in her answers to the jury ever. 


1. Andy: 1565
2. Amanda: 1435
3. Aaryn: 1135
4. Judd: 1000
5. McCrae: 845
6. Helen: 790
7. Spencer: 680
8. Elissa: 655
9. GinaMarie: 580
10. Howard: 515
11. Jessie: 510
12. Candice: 280
13. Jeremy: 250
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1930
2. Aaryn: 1180
3. Ginamarie: 825
4. Judd: 755
5. McCrae: 745
6.  Andy: 695
7. Elissa: 660
8. Helen: 545
9. Spencer: 480
10. Howard: 350
11. Candice: 345
12.  Jessie: 325
13. Jeremy: 300
14. Kaitlin: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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