Friday, March 29, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take:

This week was a consequence of the Canadian Power Shift. A bad player got to stay two extra weeks, but she contributed nothing to the game and was quite frankly an annoyance to the show. But we can move on now, although unfortunately  we've got feed blocks ruining what should be the most interesting weekend of the game so far. Shame on BB Canada for absolutely sucking on these twists so far

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 4

Tom's Take:

This was a great week for the game that proved you don't need a freaking twist to create drama. You just need people with social interactions and jealousy to create drama. Also, Tom got evicted! Woooh!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 26 Episode 6 "Operation Thunder Dome"

Tom's Take:

The game shifted this week, but not for the better. The Favorites were crushing the Fans, and now....They're just flat out embarrassing them. Now we don't even have fun competitions. It's just going to be a massacre.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Five Drinks Into British TV: Doctor Who Series 6

Tom's Take:

So the first half of Series 6 of Doctor Who was so good that I honestly thought it would be my favorite series of the show. Then it stumbled somewhat, and so now I would have trouble saying it's better than Series Four, but the last three series have been better than the first three and I am looking forward to finally catching up with the rest of the world and watching Series 7 of Doctor Who.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 3

Tom's Take:

This week actually sucked, and ultimately the twist of Canada having a veto lead to a boring eviction that kept Suzette, my least favorite player in the game. That's a backfire if ever there was one.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 26 Episode 5 "Persona Non Grata"

Tom's Take:

 Jesus, this episode was a travesty. Survivor needs a tribe swap because I am sick of where the season is right now. This episode was more like an episode of Jerry Springer than Survivor, and Brandon's insanity had NOTHING to do with the game. That's not to say it was not entertaining, but I like the GAMEPLAY

Five Drinks Into British Television: Doctor Who Series 5

Tom's Take:

Wow. I am surprised how much I liked this series. Is it as good as Series 4? I'm going to tentatively say no, but this is Matt Smith's first season as the Doctor, and he accomplished the most important task he had. He made it so that I didn't regret losing David Tennant. That's not to take anything away from David Tennant and the Tenth Doctor, but it is a testament to how well this series did to help me move on.  Good work Matt Smith, I don't hate you, and with such big shoes to fill it would have been very easy for me to.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week Two

Tom's Take:

This week was surprisingly eventful despite it really being irrelevant who went home since the alliance in power remains in a position of total control.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Five Drinks Into Survivor Season 26 Episode 4 "Kill or Be Killed"

Tom's Take:

This episode sort of pissed me off. It was clear before this season even began that the Favorites would crush the fans, but I didn't think it would happen like this. I underestimated how strong the Favorites would be in the challenges, and now they're just steamrolling the fans. Shamar's exit was also a huge disappointment, and it feels like the pre-swap portion of the game has played itself out. I'm ready for a swap! The only hope the fans have honestly is Brandon Hantz, and the breakdown that he's going to have next week.