Thursday, March 21, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 4

Tom's Take:

This was a great week for the game that proved you don't need a freaking twist to create drama. You just need people with social interactions and jealousy to create drama. Also, Tom got evicted! Woooh!


Strategy: 0
Show: 130
Awards: Future Allstar, Worst Move for Flashgate

Tom was fun to watch but his gameplay this week was just awful. I still consider him a future Big Brother Canada Allstar as Canada's version of Jesse. His whole involvement in flashgate and his ridiculous arrogance as The Shield turned on him was just a delight.  


Strategy: 50
Show: 50
Awards:  N/A

Jillian's hotness is what prompted me to update some people's pictures. Her official photo is an outrage. She is hot. And I enjoy seeing her in the various POV costumes. Her game is pretty weak, but I'm giving her some decent showplay points based on hotness alone.   


Strategy: 10
Social: 0
Show: 110
Awards: N/A

I enjoyed Liza but I don't think very many other people did. She just played too hard and without any real purpose. She needed to focus on a few moves, but instead she got bored and it caught up with her. At least she survived the first of the two evictions. 


Strategy: 95
Social: 85
Show: 150
Awards: Projected Winner, Future Allstar, Best DR's for his cold soul and goodbye message comments. 

Alec outplayed Peter this week, but I think in the long run Peter will let Alec take the bullet for him as Peter advances to the end. He needs to stop shouting in the DR's and instead focus on some of the comedy we saw this week especially in the goodbye messages. And you heard me. Peter has already earned his place on any future allstar season even if he doesn't clean up this season like I think he will.


Strategy: 0
Show: 10
Awards: N/A

I hate Suzette. 


Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Awards: N/A

Talla didn't even have much showplay for this week. Is anyone else rooting for Talla to win HoH just to see what will happen? I think that would be crazy and another great way to shift the dynamics of the game.

POV: 15/30
Strategy: 60
Social: 90
Show: 100
Awards: N/A 

Emmett lost Tom so this week wasn't a complete victory for him, but he continues to play a very good game and I think he's the strongest rival to beat Peter in this game.


HoH: 100/100
Strategy: 80
Social: 40
Show: 140
Awards: Future Allstar, 

Gary came alive this week and became a major PLAYER in this game. Will he win? I don't think so. Frankly, I think he has too much of Tom's gameplay in him and his desire for a 9-0 vote shows a little big of his ego leaking out. I just don't think he has the sublety to go far in this game. His openness can be a strength, but ultimately the liars will go farther in this game.  

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 20
Awards: N/A

AJ is a very weak player in this game and he is not going to be like Dan and suddenly emerge out of the ether. He just doesn't have the balls to make a move. 

PoV: 15/30
Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 100
Awards: N/A

Alec continues to play one of the best games in the house, although I think his reactions to Flashgate turned me off a little. I feel for him but at the same time he needs to get a little more ruthless. I just don't think he has the knife's edge that Peter has. Still he's in a very strong position in the house, and it will be interesting to see if anyone in the game is smart enough to see that and act on it. 

HoH: 30/100
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 35
Awards: N/A

I like Andrew but his game is sub-par to be honest. He won a weak HoH, which will prevent him from even competing in a more volatile one this week. 

Strategy: 90
Social: 50
Show: 80
Awards: N/A

Topaz got screwed by the live show because she was money on the feeds this week. She is now playing an aggressive strategic game. She isn't as good as Alec or Peter, but she's fun. I'll look forward to seeing her put in danger soon.   


1. Gary 450
2. Tom 415
3. Peter 370
4.  Alec 255
5. Liza 255

6. Talla 225
7. Emmett 220
8.  Aneal 165
9. Jillian 160
10. Topaz 160
11. Suzette 116
12. Andrew 110
13. Danielle 70
14. AJ 56
15. Kat 50


1. Peter 690
2. Emmett 655
3. Alec 595
4. Topaz 490
5. Gary 440
6. Liza 420
7. Jillian 420
8. Andrew 390
9. Tom 370
10. Aneal 310
11. Talla 290
12. AJ 120
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

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