Thursday, March 28, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 26 Episode 7 "Tubby Lunch Box"

Tom's Take:

The Butchery continues in what has been quite frankly a boring season...

So here are our players. 

1. Andrea: 132 Points.

 Andrea is probably going to make it further than I'm giving her credit for, but Survivor Gods help me, I'm rooting for Malcolm turning on Stealth R Us.

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Boot.
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
3rd Episode Prediction Early Boot.
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

2. Brandon Hantz:  161 Points.

Yeah. So Brandon is a bit bi-polar. I feel like Survivor somewhat exploited him, and that's sort of sad.

Preseason Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: I think he's being taken out of the game next week.
5th Episode Quit.

3. Brenda: 133 points.

Brenda continues to get the Purple Kelly edit, although she is hot and getting some good sexy airtime.

Preseason Prediction: Winner
1st Episode Prediction: Winner (but probably not for long.)
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror.

4. Corinne: 185 Points.

Corinne has emerged as the new star of the show, and I promise I will watch Gabon when I have a chance!

Preseason Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Finalist
5th episode Prediction: Finalist
6th Episode Prediction: Finalist
7th Episode Prediction: Finalist

5. Dawn: 84 Points

Dawn continues to play a fairly smart game with Cochran.

Pre-Season Prediction:Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

6. Erik: 102 Points

 Erik looks good, and I think he might go further than I initially thought.

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

7. Francesca: 29 Points.

HAHAHAHA!!! Funniest boot ever.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode: 1st Boot!

8. Cochran: 150 Points

Cochran is a great narrator, but I'm still picking against him. I think is air time is all about the editors loving him.

Prediction: Early Boot
Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

9. Malcolm: 172 Points.

I can't wait to see Malcolm make his move!

Pre-Season Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
2nd Episode Prediction: Winner
3rd Episode Prediction: Winner
4th Episode Prediction: Winner
5th Episode Prediction: Winner
6th Episode Prediction: Winner
7th Episode Prediction: Winner

10. Phillip: 215 Points.

I hope Malcolm and Corinne hilariously destroy Phillip.

Pre-Season Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist?
4th Episode Prediction: Finalist?
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

11. Allie: 22 Points.

Boom. Nailed it.

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Person voted out.

12. Eddie: 77 Points

Maybe Eddie will make it further than I thought he would.

Prediction: Early Boot
Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre- Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

13. Hope: 32 Points.

Hope tried at least, although it was kind of pathetic.

Pre-Season Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Boot

14. Julia: 54 Points.

I'd prefer vanilla too, and I don't like vanilla.

Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror.
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror.
4th Episode Prediction: Early Boot
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Boot

15. Laura: 38 Points.

Ugh. This is my first major miss. I really thought she was playing well, but I guess her competition prowess or lack of really caught up to her.

Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Late Juror
Prediction: Pre-Merge Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Boot

16. Matt: 36 Points.


Pre-Season Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 
6th boot

17. Michael: 57 Points.

The Gay stays!

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

18. Reynold: 155 Points.

I can't tell whether revealing the idol was a good move for Reynold or not. We'll see.

Pre-Season Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.

19. Shamar: 72  Points

I feel like Shamar quit. 

Pre-Season Prediction: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge Boot
4th Episode: He quit.

20. Sherri 105 Points

Sherri stays. Good for her. She'll be cut early in the merge. 

Pre-Season Predictions: Early Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror/Finalist
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror. 

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