Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Five Drinks Into British TV: Doctor Who Series 6

Tom's Take:

So the first half of Series 6 of Doctor Who was so good that I honestly thought it would be my favorite series of the show. Then it stumbled somewhat, and so now I would have trouble saying it's better than Series Four, but the last three series have been better than the first three and I am looking forward to finally catching up with the rest of the world and watching Series 7 of Doctor Who.

 "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of  the Moon" set up what I thought would be an amazing serialized series that ended up not unfolding, and it unfortunately set me up with expectations of the series finale that were not quite met because the writers didn't bother maintaining any sort of logic or realism with the finale. And yet I can't hold my disappointment with the ending of the series against the beginning, as these first two episodes were the strongest start to any series of the show so far. I love River Song, and my only disappointment with her this series was that we didn't get more of her. Some of which would have been necessary for the finale to work. And the Silence? Very creepy. They're right up there with the Ood and the Weeping Angels as top notch new aliens of the Doctor Who Series. And by far my favorite part of this two parter was once again the relationship between Amy and Rory. "Stupid Face" has never been so romantic.

"The Curse of the Black Spot" had pirates and that guy from Downton Abbey which  was cool. It was sort of disappointing to depart from the serialized format, but...Pirates. Arg!

"The Doctor's Wife" was great, and actually I think I might like the chemistry between The Doctor and The Tardis more than The Doctor and River, although I should say that that's a very high standard and not a slam against River. This was a great episode because of that dynamic although the villain wasn't that interesting to me.

The Flesh two parter was good and another great display of guest stars' acting. I also enjoyed there being two Doctors and it was a great way to get Amy to confess to the Doctor about his future. I didn't particularly like the campy feel of the Flesh's effects, but I liked the story of the two sides being the same yet hating each other.

"A Good Man Goes to War" was brilliant, and for the record Rory was the titular Good Man. My only disappointment was that the female soldier didn't regenerate into River. That would have been awesome. The reveal of River being Amy Pond's daughter was great, although I do think it kills the story of them trying to save Melody which might have been a better way to end the series than the randomness they went with.

"Let's Kill Hitler" was fun but...I think this was where they made the wrong turn with River, in that I think they changed up the whole she meets The Doctor backwards thing, and also it was kind of confusing. But River vs. The Doctor was great, and I could have enjoyed a two parter of them going at it. That would have been a great way to lead to their wedding by the way! Oh, I also loved the flashbacks of Rory and Amy's relationship starting, although I felt Melody's introduction was a bit rushed.

"Night Terrors" was my least favorite episode of the series despite the problems of the finale. It just didn't do anything for me although the father/son relation should have been more touching. It just didn't hit me hard enough.

"The Girl Who Waited" was my favorite episode of the series for one simple reason. Amy's conversation with herself about how Rory was the most beautiful man she ever met. I cried. It was awesome.

"The God Complex" was another stellar episode with one amazing scene that almost measured up to last episode's Amy and Amy scene. The scene where the Doctor broke Amy's faith in him killed me. But it was awesome.

It was nice to see Craig again in "Closing Time" but they should have done something with River instead.

"The Wedding of River Song" is by no means as awful as I've maybe made it out to be. It just wasn't as good as I had built it up to be. The actual wedding wasn't as romantic as it should have been. It just seemed so rushed. And that it was a fake death was obvious and sort of a cop out.

The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe wasn't my favorite of the Christmas Specials, and I haven't loved them in general to be honest. But the family dinner at the end was nice. I want more Rory and Amy!

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