Thursday, March 7, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week Two

Tom's Take:

This week was surprisingly eventful despite it really being irrelevant who went home since the alliance in power remains in a position of total control.


Strategy: 80
Social: 60
Show: 75
Awards: N/A

I was wrong about Tom. This guy is playing hard, and he's got a firm grip on the game. Now, I don't know if he's playing it well, as I think his grip is a little too firm and he's going to eventually play himself out, but he's in a position of power right now. My biggest issue with him right now is that he seems too eager to play, when I think that the Big Brother is a marathon not a sprint. I just don't seem him being able to go the distance going at his current pace.    


HoH: 50/100
Strategy: 30
Show: 75
Awards:  N/A

Jillian showmanced the hell out of Emmett this week, to the point where on the feeds it was almost like watching soft core porn at times. Her head is not in the game, but that doesn't change the fact that she's in a good position to go far in the game.  


Strategy: 75
Social: 95
Show: 45
Awards: N/A

I like Liza a lot, but I think she's playing a little too hard as well. I also initially thought she had a secret alliance with Peter, but I'm disappointed to learn that isn't very strong, at least not on Peter's part, so I can't give her very high strategy points. I think Liza will be one of the first people in The Nine to make a move though, which I look forward to it.


Strategy: 95
Social: 95
Show: 50
Awards: Projected Winner

I feel like Peter is running the house without being obvious about it like Tom is. His ability to talk to people without giving info away while they tell him everything is great. I hope he cuts Tom at the right time. 


Strategy: 10
Social: 5
Show: 1
Awards: N/A

Ugh. I'm so glad we can forget Suzette now that she isn't HoH. 


Strategy: 20
Social: 40
Awards: N/A

It didn't make the show, but Talla's nickname in the house is The Butt Whisperer. She's a wild card right now, and I wish she would win HoH so that we could see what she does with power.


Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 80
Awards: N/A

I think Aneal cried his way off the block. Good for him, I really didn't think he'd be able to survive this week.  But he did, so he'll have a chance to tear the giant alliance apart. I wish for the best for him. 

Strategy: 95
Social: 95
Show: 50
Awards: Best Move for showmancing Jillian and completely controlling her this week.  

Emmett is a good player. I feel like he's a Hayden Moss in the making. 

PoV: 30/30
Strategy: 20
Social: 40
Show: 150
Awards: Worst Move for becoming a huge target

Gary is emerging as the star of the show, but he's also the biggest target among the Outsiders, and I don't seem lasting much longer in this game. I do give him props for winning that PoV though. He needed it.   

Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 60
Awards: Worst Move for volunteering for the block. 

Dani got blindsided quite brutally, and I felt pretty bad for her when it was all said and done. She talked a big game, but she had no actual gameplay to speak of.  Her one move was volunteering for the block and that cost her the game. 

Strategy: 5
Social: 5
Show: 6
Awards: N/A

AJ apparently sucked in the PoV challenge, and he continues to have no real showplay to speak of.  

Strategy: 80
Social: 70
Show: 25
Awards: N/A

I really like Alec and Peter, and I really hope that they're the next Chilltown. They have both the social skills to dominate the game, and the knowledge of the game to know how to do that. 

Strategy: 50
Social: 60
Show: 20
Awards: N/A

Andrew is playing in the middle, and I hope he does more later in the game. 

Strategy: 40
Social: 60
Show: 10
Awards: N/A

Topaz is a core member of the Nine, and I'm hopeful that she'll break off with Peter and Alec to turn on Tom and his crew. She seems to have a clue and is one of the few members socializing with the outsiders. I'm hopeful for her, but there isn't much to show for her yet. 


1. Gary 200
2.  Aneal 145
3. Tom 135
4. Peter 100
5. Liza 85
6. Jillian 80
7. Emmett 70
8. Danielle 70
9. Talla 70
10. Suzette 61
11.  Alec 55
12. Kat 50
13. Topaz 40

14. Andrew 30
15. AJ 6


1. Peter 350
2. Emmett 340
3. Liza 280
4. Tom 270
5. Aneal 240
6. Jillian 220
7. Alec 220
8. Topaz 210
9. Andrew 190
10. Talla 170
11. Gary 120
12. Kat 90
13. AJ 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 45

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