Thursday, March 14, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 3

Tom's Take:

This week actually sucked, and ultimately the twist of Canada having a veto lead to a boring eviction that kept Suzette, my least favorite player in the game. That's a backfire if ever there was one.


HoH: 30/100
PoV: 10/30
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 150
Awards: Future Allstar

I'm giving Tom credit for winning competitions, but he's got no chance at winning this game and I don't think he understand how stupidly he's playing. Canada screwed him over by saving Suzette, so instead he got out Aneal who really shouldn't have been HIS target. Also, I know it's premature but Tom has already proven that his showplay is worthy of being a future Canadian Allstar.


Strategy: 50
Show: 30
Awards:  N/A

I actually like Jill on the show. I think Big Brother needs pawns to manuever around the chess board of the game, and Jillian makes for a great one. Her pairing with Emmett will eventually get her into trouble, but for now I think she can fade into the background.  


Strategy: 50
Social: 80
Show: 60
Awards: N/A

Liza's game is crumbling a bit this last week, and she could very well be in danger this week, but I can't completely fault her, and at least she's playing the social game and trying to make moves. Her best ally is Peter and she would be better served listening to him more often. 


Strategy: 90
Social: 70
Show: 120
Awards: Projected Winner, Safest Player Award

I continue to really like Peter. I think he's playing a really good game for himself, but he's slowly losing control of people which is an issue. I actually think he might need to win an HoH soon to make some big moves for himself. He needs the bigger players to go after each other instead of being a part of this big team steamrolling over everyone else. 


Strategy: 0
Show: 45
Awards: Best Move for getting saved by Canada for no reason. 

I hate Suzette. 


Strategy: 30
Social: 60
Awards: N/A

Talla is another great Showplayer although she's not adding much to gameplay. A Talla HoH would be fun though.


Strategy: 20
Social: 50
Show: 20
Awards: N/A

Poor Aneal. He was too sneaky for his own game, but he had potential to play more and be a stronger player. 

Strategy: 60
Social: 90
Show: 50
Awards: N/A 

I think Emmett will be the hardest person to get out of this game, and anyone who isn't targeting him is dumb. 


Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 110
Awards: Best Move for getting saved from the block for no reason

Gary continues to be the star of this show, and I actually think he's starting to gain some traction in the game as he aligns with Topaz and Alec. They'll have trouble cutting him over Emmett or Tom in my opinion. 

Strategy: 0
Social: 10
Show: 30
Awards: Worst Move for agreeing to get nominated. 

AJ speaks in the third person which is the only interesting part of his showplay. His gameplay is repulsively bad. The only reason I've given him social points is that he's aligned with the bigger target in Andrew. 

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 100
Awards: N/A

Alec played the best game this week, even outplaying his own ally Peter as he made some strong side alliances that should help him down the line. I still think his showmance with Topaz will bite him in the end, but until that happens he's in a really good position. 

Strategy: 40
Social: 30
Show: 45
Awards: N/A

Andrew is getting a lot of flac online for his mission and involving his father's death, but I thought it made sense how he did it. I also think he's smart for seeing Emmett as a player he needs to get out soon. 

Strategy: 80
Social: 60
Show: 40
Awards: N/A

Topaz sort of woke up this week, and she played a key part in helping keep Gary in the game which should work out great for HER game. 


1. Gary 310
2. Tom 285
3. Peter 220
4. Talla 190
5.  Aneal 165
6.  Alec 155
7. Liza 145
8. Emmett 120
9. Jillian 110
10. Suzette 106
11. Topaz 80
12. Andrew 75
13. Danielle 70
14. Kat 50
15. AJ 36


1. Peter 510
2. Emmett 490
3. Liza 410
4. Alec 400
5. Tom 370
6. Topaz 350
7. Jillian 320
8. Aneal 310
9. Andrew 260
10. Talla 260
11. Gary 220
12. AJ 100
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 45

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