Friday, March 29, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take:

This week was a consequence of the Canadian Power Shift. A bad player got to stay two extra weeks, but she contributed nothing to the game and was quite frankly an annoyance to the show. But we can move on now, although unfortunately  we've got feed blocks ruining what should be the most interesting weekend of the game so far. Shame on BB Canada for absolutely sucking on these twists so far


Strategy: 50
Social: 80
Show: 110
Alliance: The True Showmance (Emmett)
Awards:  N/A

Jillian and Emmett are the power couple of the house, and no one seems to realize it. EVERYONE is trying to align with them, with the exception of The Secret Wedding, but The Shield will protect them when it comes down to it. They have options and it's going to be interesting to see if the showmance will be the first ever showmance in the final two. Of course if that happens, Emmett will slaughter Jillian, but hey 20,000 is nothing to sneeze at. 


Strategy: 65
Social: 70
Show: 180
Alliance: The Shield  (Alec)
Awards: Projected Winner, Future Allstar, Best DR's for his dual DR with Alec, 

Peter has become the star of the show. I don't know if he entirely deserves it because to be honest his head's gotten a little inflated with his game which to be honest has been a bit sub par of late. Him and Alec are playing a pretty cowardly game, and they are nowhere near as covered with people as they seem to think they are.  


Strategy: 0
Show: 30
Awards: N/A

I'm glad she's gone. Useless player.


Strategy: 65
Social: 60
Show: 190
Alliances: 3 Stooges (Andrew, AJ)
Awards: N/A

Talla is another star of the show, and don't look now but she's starting to be a force in this game. The Three Stooges Alliance survived intact into the Jury house, making it the largest alliance still in the game, and I think Andrew is the biggest target of the three giving Talla a strong chance of making it pretty deep into this game.

POV: 30/60
Strategy: 95
Social: 95
Show: 120
Alliance: True Showmance
Awards: N/A 

Emmett is playing the best game in the house at the moment, and I was tempted to give him the Safest Player Award, because I just don't see any way he gets evicted next week. Incredible. Unless something changes soon, I'm giving him Peter's Projected Winner award. 


Social: 40
Show: 50
Alliance: Secret Wedding
Awards: Future Allstar, 

This was a pretty bad week for Gary overall, although he did get some power. I think Gary is going  to be going soon, but he was fun while he lasted. 

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 70
Alliances: 3 Stooges
Awards: Pawn Star!

AJ is useless, but his role as Pawn Star is hilarious. 

HoH: 30/100
Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 160
Alliance: The Shield
Awards: Worst Move for playing a Cowardly HoH

I was not a fan of Alec's game this week. He went after Suzette who I guess was coming after him? I think the move was Andrew, and he'll regret not pulling the trigger down the line, but we'll get to that later. 


Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 190
Alliance: 3 Stooges
Awards: Best Move for Mobilizing

While the Shield was busy patting themselves on the back, Andrew was busy PLAYING the game. He mobilized the lower rung of houseguests into an alliance, and he's working hard on turning the True Showmance to his side as well. The result is The Shield is in danger from this Sleeping Giant, and they don't even  realize it yet. 

Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 120
Alliance: Secret Wedding
Awards: N/A

Topaz' game is spiraling, and I don't think she even realizes it. She's slept herself into an alliance that somehow is both the biggest target in the house and also almost useless. She's in trouble. 


1. Peter 550
2. Gary 500
3. Tom 415
4.  Alec 415
5. Talla 415
6. Emmett 340
7. Andrew 300
8. Topaz 280
9. Jillian 270
10. Liza 255
11.  Aneal 165
12. Suzette 146
13. Danielle 70
14. AJ 126
15. Kat 50


1. Emmett 875
2. Peter 825
3. Alec 705
4. Andrew 590
5. Jillian 550
6. Topaz 520
7. Gary 500

8. Liza 420
9. Talla 415
10. Tom 370
11. Aneal 310
12. AJ 140
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

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