Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Five Drinks Into British Television: Doctor Who Series 5

Tom's Take:

Wow. I am surprised how much I liked this series. Is it as good as Series 4? I'm going to tentatively say no, but this is Matt Smith's first season as the Doctor, and he accomplished the most important task he had. He made it so that I didn't regret losing David Tennant. That's not to take anything away from David Tennant and the Tenth Doctor, but it is a testament to how well this series did to help me move on.  Good work Matt Smith, I don't hate you, and with such big shoes to fill it would have been very easy for me to.

So Series Five of Doctor Who introduces us to TWO new companions for the Doctor, not counting River Song who I consider more of a recurring character. And we have something of a love triangle with these three, but unlike the triangle with Mickey, Rose, and the Doctor, I am firmly on the side of Rory from the beginning and I am glad that The Doctor isn't really interested in Amy in that way.

I freaking love Rory by the way. I hope that the episodes with him in them are much better than the other episodes.

"The Eleventh Hour" almost set up the Time Traveller's Wife type story for Amy, but not really. So that's terrible analysis, but these early episodes weren't all that interesting to me in terms of plot. I was mostly interested in how quickly I managed to get invested in Amy and Rory's characters and their relationship.

I think the Doctor travelling with a married couple is a new dynamic that is a welcome change after the more angsty relationships with Rose Martha.

I was really happy that the Weeping Angels have become a recurring villain for the Doctor to fight. The Weeping Angels are so much creepier and more interesting to me than the Daleks. Apparently they're also original to the new generation of the show, and I hope they can take the place of future Dalek episodes.

I can't wait until we get to see more of River Song's story. There's a romantic relationship for the Doctor that I can get behind, and I hope we get much more of her in Series 6.

"Amy's Choice" was my favorite episode of this series as it had such a strong Rory/Amy storyline and it was the episode that made it absolutely clear that Rory was Amy's soulmate and the episode where she fully recognized it. The Doctor will always appeal to Amy, but Rory is her man and I don't think she ever doubted it from this episode onward.

Other than when she lost her memory of him of course...

So the last few episodes brought together the whole Pandorica storyline, which was sort of confusing and a little too complex for the full emotional impact that it should have packed. I wanted a moment of Amy appreciating Rory's vigil over her, that we didn't quite get. Still it was great to see Rory and Amy get married, and I can't wait to see more of them in Series 6.

As for "The Christmas Carol" this episode proved once again how vital guest stars are to the show. Unlike other shows which rely fully on their leads and the dynamics between the main characters, an episode of Doctor Who can be made or broken by the guest stars. In the case of the Christmas Special, it was definitely a high point, and I was also impressed by the ability of the writers to make me care so much for a romance that unfolded over a single episode.

Well done.

I can't wait for Series 6.

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