Thursday, March 15, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: BBCAN6 Weeks 1 and 2 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take:

BBCAN6 has started, and we've got 2 weeks worth of game (1 week worth of feeds) to talk about. So let's get to my and gameplay and showplay rankings.

Image result for big brother canada 6

1. Ali

Image result for big brother canada 6: ali

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 30

Ali isn't doing much for me. She survived the first week eviction, which is a feather in her cap of sorts, but the fact that she was up there at all is disconcerting, and she hasn't done much to gather any real power in the house. She's in the majority alliance...sort of. I think Ali is thinking, but right now she's just a number, not much of a player. And unfortunately, I see her getting caught up in the fire on Olivia, by being her #2.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Boot

2. Andrew

Image result for big brother canada 6 andrew

Social: 0
Show: 60
Awards: Worst Player of the Week

Ugh Andrew. He got off on the wrong foot with terrible picks for who was going to be in Heaven, and who was going to Hell, and he kept going that way with crappy comments, and a terrible social game. Apparently he tried to flip the house to get Ali out, and when that backfired, his whole game blew up. Kudos for the fast exit. That was something

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

3. Derek

Image result for big brother canada 6: Derek

Social: 70
Strategy: 70
Show: 20

Derek is boring, but I can't really knock the game he's playing. He's in a showmance with Kaela, and together the two and Chase* (Jesse for Casuals) are currently at the top of the house political structure.

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place

4. Erica

Image result for big brother canada 6 erica

POV: 30/30
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Show: 70

I actually really like Erica, she's easily one of my favorites, and while she is eerily similar to Willow in looks and how she talks, personality wise, she is someone who is clearly much more comfortable with herself, which is something I enjoy watching. I hope she does well, and I think she's situated well, since she's likeable, and part of the majority, but I worry she's too powerful looking.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th  Place

5. Hamza

Image result for big brother canada 6 hamza

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 50

Hamza has settled into the underdog role, which could turn out very well for him. Canada loves its underdogs. That said, I can't really consider him to be a skilled player. Instead he is a poor player, that may be the beneficiary of big players taking each other out, and sneak his way into the later aspects of the game.

Preseason Prediction: 5th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place

6. Jesse* Chase

Social: 90
Strategy: 90
Show: 40

Jesse is playing one of the strongest games in the BBCAN6 house. He's the single member of a bromance with Derek, and them along with Kaela create a troika that is currently running the game. I don't think we've ever seen a BBCAN player play from such a dominant position the whole game, and win, so I'm going to predict at some point he takes a fall, but it might not be until late in the game.

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place.
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place

7. Johnny

HOH: 70
POV: 10
Social: 80
Strategy: 50
Show: 80
Award: Player of the Week

Winning the first HOH and then veto, seems a little unnecessary to me. But although Johnny has proven his competition prowess, he seems to be well liked in the house, and pretty much everyone who is making up their hypothetical alliances include Johnny. Getting out Rozina was a safe move, but also a smart one, and he has set the pace early of going with the House, which based on his positioning will almost always include him. I enjoyed his DRs, though I think he was a little overdramatic. Johnny is definitely a player to watch for this season.

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place

8. Kaela

Image result for big brother canada 6 kaela

Strategy: 50
Social: 90
Show: 40

Kaela is in the troika running the house, and is doing a lot of good things socially, however I am worried that when the final reckoning comes for the Troika, Kaela will be the first one to get hit. (By the way, since I'm making so many challenge references, everyone should watch Natalie from BB18 kicking ass on The Challenge Vendettas on MTV)

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Boot

9. Maddy

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Show: 50

I like Maddy, she's a huge fan, but unfortunately she's got a weak hand currently in the house, and I think the power players are going to boot her sooner rather than later. That said, I choked up a bit watching her scene in the snow, and she's so happy to be there.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place

10. Olivia

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 30

Damn, she would have been better off in a showmance. I think she's going to be the victim of Paras trying to make a power play/being in a love triangle with Paras and Jesse.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Boot

11. Paras

Social: 50
Strategy: 60
Show: 70

Paras is kind of all over the place. I see a lot of people giving her a lot of credit online, but I'm worried she's not in control of her game as people think. I actually suspect that a lot of her gameplay is just motivated by her crush on Jesse.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place

12. Rozina

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 30

Turns out Rozina is going to be the old person who goes early, rather than the one who lasts until the end of the game.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

1st Boot

13. Ryan

HOH: 10
Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Show: 40

Wow, he is awful. However, while he has shown everyone he is sketchy, he has managed to help put gasoline on the fire of the Red Room vs. White Room fires. He'll probably make it much further than I'd like. 

Preseason Prediction: First Boot

2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place

14. Will

Social: 90
Strategy: 60
Show: 40

The Newfie is loved by everyone, so I have no reason to stray from my winner pick.

Preseason Prediction: Winner
2nd Week Prediction: Winner

15. Veronica

Social: 50
Strategy: 30
Show: 130
Awards: Star of the Show

I didn't think she'd make the cut, but she's there! She's kind of annoying, but she's a wild card, that everyone is kind of considering to be someone they can pick up. I can't really read who she's with. She could  end up making it far surprisingly. And she's the star of the show for calling a shitshow of a house meeting.

2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place

16. Kirsten

Poor poor Kirsten. I feel terrible for her.

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place

17. Merron

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 20

He made the cut, and is playing a quiet game.

2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place

18. Mike

I feel so bad for Mikey.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

Gameplay Rankings

1. Johnny: 210
2. Jesse: 180
3. Will: 150
4. Erica: 150
5. Kaela: 140
6. Derek: 140
7. Paras: 110
8. Veronica: 80
9. Maddy: 80
10. Hamza: 80
11. Ali: 60
12. Merron: 60
13. Olivia: 40
14. Ryan: 30
15. Rozina: 0
16. Andrew: 0

Showplay Rankings

1. Veronica: 130
2. Johnny: 80
3. Erica: 70
5. Paras: 70
5. Andrew: 60
6. Maddy: 50
7. Hamza: 50
8. Ryan: 40
9. Will: 40
10. Kaela: 40
11. Jesse: 40
12. Rozina
13. Ali: 30
14. Olivia
15. Merron: 20
16. Derek: 20

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