Thursday, March 22, 2018

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 6 Week 3 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take:

BBCAN6 popped off this week, and I think we've got a fun season on our hands!!!

Image result for big brother canada 6 week 3

1. Ali

Image result for big brother canada 6: ali

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 40

Ali's game is desperate and messy, and it is hard to see her really have a chance at winning. One point to note this week is her decision to tell Will she was considering putting up Veronica next week, when Will and V are clearly working together. She's scattered an all over the place, but so are so many other people, so I do think she could make her way decently far in this game.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 4th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 1st Juror

2. Andrew

Image result for big brother canada 6 andrew

Preseason Prediction: 5th Place
2nd Boot

3. Derek

Image result for big brother canada 6: Derek

Social: 70
Strategy: 40
Show: 40

Derek did some good social work this week, which is why he didn't end up going on the block.  The problem is that some of the power players decided they wanted to bring down Derek sooner rather than later, and he lost Jesse as a result, which cuts significantly into his power base. Derek has some skills, and I could see him managing to recover, but at the moment him and Kaela are in some hot water, and my bet is that Kaela is the one who manages to get herself out of that mess.

Preseason Prediction: 9th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 8th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Boot

4. Erica

Image result for big brother canada 6 erica

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show: 50

I like Erica quite a bit, but unfortunately I feel like her current strategy of coasting may be the only real mode she has, and we are moving past the point in the game where coasting is the best strategy. Erica isn't quite at the top of anyone's hit list, but she's in the conversation, which is not great. I think she'll last a few more rounds, but her number could come up sooner rather than later.

Preseason Prediction: 8th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 7th  Place
3rd Week Prediction: 9th Place

5. Hamza

Image result for big brother canada 6 hamza

HOH: 50
POV: 15
Social: 70
Strategy: 30
Show: 140
Awards: Star of the Show

Hamza had a very interesting HOH week. He both accomplished some good things, turning the house upside down, but also some bad things in making himself a notable target. Ultimately I feel like Hamza was guided to making a decent move by Will and by Johnny, and that on his own Hamza would be a sloppy mess. This is also why I think his game is going to fall apart sooner rather than later, but it should be fun until it does.

Preseason Prediction: 5th Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 6th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Boot

6. Jesse* Chase

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Show: 70

Wow, what a difference a week makes. Jesse was almost my player of the week last week, and now he is gone. For that huge shakeup alone, I am thankful to BBCAN6, and I hope the season continues to deliver similar shakeups. I am however giving Jesse credit for how hard he fought to stay in the game.

Preseason Prediction: 10th Place.
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Place
3rd Boot

7. Johnny

Social: 60
Strategy: 90
Show: 40

Johnny emerged again this week as someone to watch. He was a major part in turning this week around on Jesse, after he heard from Will and Hamza that Jesse had dropped his name. Johnny is the quiet sidekick/brains of the Will/Johnny pair, which in theory makes him more of a threat to win the season than Will, but I haven't seen the ability to command from Johnny as strongly as it is in Will. He's the pick many super fans have to win, since they like his more subtle approach, but I'm still betting on the Newfie charmer instead.

Preseason Prediction: 7th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 2nd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 3rd Place

8. Kaela

Image result for big brother canada 6 kaela

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 50
Awards: Player of the Week

I know this seems crazy to be giving Kaela so much credit, when her position in the game is going to shit, but I really felt that Kaela played this shitty week as well as it was possible for her to play it. She pivoted expertly from her troika with Derek and Jesse to making a side deal with Liv and Ali, and also pushed for a new deal with Hamza, Will, and V. She's also done great work with Erica, and Johnny, all to try and get herself out of the hot water this week's HOH win put her in. Not all of it worked, but I was continually impressed by every move Kaela made this week.

Preseason Prediction: 4th Place
2nd Week Prediction: 5th Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 5th Place

9. Maddy

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Show: 20
Awards: Worst Player of the Week

I really really disliked how Maddy played this week. This was a week to make a choice and really push herself into a good position, instead she continually waffled and so was left out of pretty much every new alliance and deal. She is high on people's hit lists, and for no other reason that no one sees much point to keeping her in the game.

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 10th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 10th Place

10. Olivia

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 20

Live survived this week. She is such a non factor in this game, that I could easily see her being brought to the end.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Place
2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Boot
3rd Week Prediction: 2nd Place

11. Paras

Social: 30
Strategy: 20
Show: 70

Paras is another one who played this week awfully. She saw the train coming for Jesse, and instead of trying to jump out of the way, she tried to fight the train. The results were not as disastrous as the metaphor implies, but she is still in a very precarious position, that she'll need a lot of help to get out of.

Preseason Prediction: 2nd Boot
2nd Week Prediction: 9th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 4th Place

12. Rozina

Preseason Prediction: 3rd Place

1st Boot

13. Ryan

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Show: 10

Ryan Sucks. 

Preseason Prediction: First Boot

2nd Week Prediction: 11th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 6th Place

14. Will

Social: 90
Strategy: 70
Show: 70

All hail the Newfie King. Its going to take a lot to dethrone this charmer. I know a lot of people see his aggressive play as sloppy, but I continue to belief that his Newfie super powers will be enough to protect him.

Preseason Prediction: Winner
2nd Week Prediction: Winner
3rd Week Prediction: Winner

15. Veronica

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Show: 90

Veronica is all over the fucking place, and that should eventually blow up in her face.

2nd Week Prediction: 3rd Place
3rd Week Prediction: 7th Place

16. Kirsten

Poor poor Kirsten. I feel terrible for her.

Preseason Prediction: 11th Place

17. Merron

Strategy: 80
Social: 60
Show: 20

Quiet Merron is another real threat to sneak up and win this game, but I think I see Johnny planting seeds to take Merron out, before Merron can really make a run at this thing.

2nd Week Prediction: 4th Place
3rd Week Prediction: 8th Place

18. Mike

I feel so bad for Mikey.

Preseason Prediction: 6th Place

Gameplay Rankings

1. Johnny: 360
2. Kaela: 320
3. Will: 310
4. Jesse: 280
5. Erica: 250
6. Derek: 250
7. Hamza: 215
8. Merron: 200
9. Paras: 160
10. Veronica: 140
11. Maddy: 120
12. Ali: 120
13. Olivia: 80
14. Ryan: 70
15. Rozina: 0
16. Andrew: 0

Showplay Rankings

1. Veronica: 220
2. Hamza: 190
3. Paras: 140
4. Johnny: 120
5. Erica: 120
6. Will: 110.
7. Jesse: 110
8. Kaela: 90
9. Ali: 70
10. Maddy: 70
11. Derek: 60
12. Andrew: 60
13. Ryan: 50
14. Olivia: 40
15. Merron: 40
16. Rozina: 30

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