Sunday, September 11, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 12

Tom's Take

This week, I'll give some rankings as soon as I"m finished with my love letter to my favorite HG of BB18.

Image result for big brother 18: natalie snapchat

1.  Natalie

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 1000
Awards: My Personal Favorite,

As you can see from my scores for Natalie's gameplay this week, I believe that Natalie did nothing other than roll over and die once she lost the veto on Saturday. She did NOT campaign against James, and any perceived throwing him under the bus was not her intent, but rather a misinterpretation of her apology to Vic and Paul, that in fairness was a little "I told you so" about James giving her advice. I am not saying this because I am in denial, just because I'm Team Natalie. I would have LOVED for her to have fought to stay. But I hate the fact that she is being demonized for something she really didn't do.

That was Natalie's biggest problem this week, the fact that she regretted her HOH week so much, and couldn't stop herself from blaming James and it hurt the relationship. That said, I have trouble joining the masses that want to lynch her for being pissy that she had lost her chance at half a million dollars. And no, I will not join the masses who somehow feel like James is heroic for yelling at Natalie for not wanting to sleep with him while she was in a bad mood. It was "nice guy" behavior at its finest, and Natalie did not deserve that.

I'm not as mad as some other Natalie fans for the edit, for while it was a little unbalanced, I still felt for Natalie watching it and am genuinely confused as to why the mainstream reaction is so pro James. When calling out a girl just because she didn't want to sleep with you become such applause worthy behavior.

If I were to complain about the edit, it would be that all season long they treated Natalie like she was just some trophy that James had won, a damsel for him to be the hero for, and in this week's batch of episodes they painted her as being ungrateful, when he had "sheltered her from the game."

If by "sheltered from the game" you mean that James had kept secrets from her, including alliances that wanted her gone, and side deals she was not apart of, then sure, James sheltered her from the game. But that didn't help Natalie. If anything, the reason Nat was evicted is because James had "sheltered her" from making connections with the voters this week.

When it comes to the issue of whether Natalie was using James, my opinion is obvious. James was such a useless ally, due to his selfish strategy of attempting to coast through the game, that the debate is almost completely useless. But here's my personal take on the Natalie and James relationship. I think she liked him. I really do. She was a flirty girl, and there were other guys who caught her eye, but she has been pretty clearly with James for quite a while in the house. Now, I think her liking him may have been influenced by the fact that she's living in a house full of people telling her how James is a great guy, on a TV show that is edited to make James out to be God's Gift, and with James constantly telling her how much he was doing to keep her safe (debatable how much he actually did.) Will she still feel that way outside of all those conditions? Will she want a relationship with someone who lives on the other side of the country? Once she gets her head on straight, will she want Jatalie to continue? I have my doubts, but none of them stem from any belief that Natalie was faking her feelings for James. As for the lack of physical affection (Which Jeff, who I don't remember ever seeing giving Jordan more than a peck while they were on the show, seemed real interested in) they were on a TV show. Natalie did not want to be perceived a certain way. We'll see what happens on the outside. Fingers crossed, but I'm not sure if I think James is really worthy.

Now that I've discussed the edit, and the Jatalie of it all, lets discuss my favorite hamster who deserved so much more attention from the TV show than was given. Along with Paul, and maybe Victor, she was the breakout among the newbies, and so I'd like to discuss her as a gamer, and as a tv character.

As a gamer, I am on the record of saying that Natalie was one of the best players in BB18. This is of course tarnished a bit by her rolling over and dying in the last two weeks, but she was better than most. She had good instincts, the ability to hide how smart she really was, an ability to bond with other girls, and was turning out to be a decent competitor to boot. She made some big moves, and shook up the game multiple times. That's not to say she didn't have weaknesses. She was over emotional, she had trouble letting things go, she was a bit too timid in the beginning, and she deferred too often to James, but these are fairly common flaws. I think if she was to have a second crack at the game, and took some time to study up, she could do very very well.

As a TV character, Natalie was even more interesting to me. Flirty, to the point where I do somewhat sympathize with James' jealousy issues, she clearly had a kind heart, as she was often the one to comfort depressed hgs. She radiated positivity for the first half of the season, but the shit talking and the fact that people all took her positivity for fakeness did get to her. She is an extremely beautiful woman, but she also clearly has some body issues, as well as discussing the fact that she had previously had issues with men in her life, which is partially why I believe she doesn't date for looks, but instead wants someone who will be loyal to her, kind, and take care of her. She is definitely high maintenance, but from what I saw she seemed worth the effort.

Anyways, I pretty much exclusively watched Nat on the feeds when I could, and I'm pretty much checked out now that she's gone. Thank you so much Natalie!

2. Corey

Comp: 50
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Showplay: 40

Borey has a good shot at f2, especially since I think James will take him to the end over Nicole.

3. Paul

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Showplay: 80

Paul unfortunately allowed Nicole/Corey to get their way, and its gonna cost him at f5.

4. Victor

Comp: 50
Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Showplay 80:

Victor is a great competitor, but again I think he should have tried to keep Nat.

5.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 100

See Natalie for much of this. James ACTUALLY threw Natalie under the bus, by telling Nicole and Corey how much she didn't want to work with them, but since CBS ignored that in the edit, I'm going to ignore it in his gameplay rankings.

76 Nicole

Comp:: 0
Social: 40
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 50

Congrats to Nicole, because I really do see her having a great chance at winning this. She'll be a fairly lackluster winner in my opinion, but she's what we got.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 1530
2. Victor: 1150
3. Natalie: 1130
4. Nicole: 990
5. Corey: 950
6. James: 940
7. Michelle: 930
8. Paulie: 890
9. Bridgette: 560
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Natalie: 2120
2. Da: 1040
3. Paul: 1110
4. Paulie: 640
5. Michelle: 600
6. Victor: 670
7. Nicole: 540
8. James:450
9. Frank: 440
10 Bridgette: 330
11. Jozea: 270
12. Tiffany: 270
13: Corey: 210
14. Bronte: 200
15 Zakiyah: 170
16. Glenn: 90

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