Saturday, September 17, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Weeks 13 and 14 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take

Nat for America's Favorite!!!

Image result for  natalie negrotti

Natalie was the best this year. She was the most fun to watch, because she practically radiated positivity for most of the season, she was surprisingly strategic, her showmance was adorable, her heartbreaks were gut wrenching, and she fought her ass off this season. Watching her learn BB and fall in love with the game was probably the highlight of the season for me.

1.  Natalie

Image result for natalie negrotti: pov

Vote Natalie for America's Favorite!

The following are questions I want someone to ask Natalie in her interviews. Obviously in an extended format.

1. Why did you vote for (insert who she voted for) to win. (Don't bother if she voted for James)

2. You called yourself Flirty Spy, how much of your flirting was strategy, and how much was just you?

3. Week 1, why did you choose to align with Jozea's group instead of the vets?

4. At what point would you say that James became your ride or die?

5. If you had won HOH instead of Bridgette, who would you have nominated?

6. Can you kind of go into your relationship with James and how it evolved in the house? Was it initially strategy? A lot of people in the house, and outside looked at you two together, and thought there's no way this can be real, she's leading him on for strategy reasons. Were you physically attracted to him?

7. What was Paulie like in jury house? Did you two mend fences?

8. What were your strategic reasons for targeting Paulie?

9. James seemed on the fence about the Zakiyah vote, until you brought up that Paulie had been hitting on you, and there was that whole fight? Did you bring up Paulie hitting on you strategically, and walk us through what you were thinking during that whole period?

10. After you won HOH, you targeted Paul and Victor, which I thought was a smart move, what were you thinking at that point?

11. Ok, you've got a final 4 with Corey and Nicole, but you ignore them during your HOH week, and let Paul and Vic slip in. What were you thinking?

12. A lot has been made of you "throwing James under the bus" but did you feel James threw you under the bus when he told Victor that you wanted to keep him in front of Corey?

13. Why didn't you campaign for Meech to stay?

14. Your last week in the house was very rough. You seemed to blame James a lot. Were you really angry at him, what was going on?

15. Prior to your eviction you told James that you wanted to just be friends, but then in your eviction speech, you referred to him as your soul mate, and told Julie that it could be romantic outside of the house. Which is it, and why the two different answers? (This is the James question people actually want answered.)

16.What are your plans now that you're out of the house?

17. What was your favorite moment in the house?

18. Would you ever play Big Brother again?

19. What is one thing you feel you could improve on?

20. What advice would you give OTT players?

2. Corey

Comp: 50
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Showplay: 50

"Mama don't raise no Bitch."

3. Paul

Comp: 100
Social: 75
Strategy: 75
Showplay: 200

BB18's best player continues to play the best game, even though he faces extreme adversity. Paul would be a very deserving winner, but I question his ability to win a jury vote.

4. Victor

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay 100

He's probably winning AFP over Nat, so I'm a little bitter at him, but the guy fought his ass off and he was an entertaining hg. Not a great player though when you take into account that he was evicted 3 times.

5.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 50
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 30

James is still there, having been dragged to final 3 by the two other pairs taking shots at him. He didn't do anything to screw it up, so credit to him for that, but...he didn't do anything. Still I think if he makes it the f2 he wins the jury vote.

6 Nicole

Social: 50
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 50

She did enough to survive the NiCorey breakup, so kudos to her. If she makes it f2, she has a shot against either James or Paul, but its a close one, and she'll need to get the votes from either Sitting Ducks or Jatalie.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 1780
2. Victor: 1150
3. Natalie: 1130
4. Nicole: 1170
5. Corey: 1100
6. James: 1000
7. Michelle: 930
8. Paulie: 890
9. Bridgette: 560
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Natalie: 2120
2. Paul: 1310
3. Da: 1040
4. Victor: 770
5. Paulie: 640
6. Michelle: 600
7. Nicole: 590
8. James:480
9. Frank: 440
10 Bridgette: 330
11. Jozea: 270
12. Tiffany: 270
13: Corey: 260
14. Bronte: 200
15 Zakiyah: 170
16. Glenn: 90

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