Saturday, September 3, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 11

Tom's Take

Well, this was a shitty week, especially because as a Natalie fan, I usually want to try and defend her. But, I just can't defend her lack of gameplay this week, other than to shift blame on to James and Meech for also not playing.

But here are some rankings, I guess.

Image result for big brother 18 week 11

1. Michelle

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 20

Meech slept through her last week in the house. I'm very disappointed in her.

2.  Natalie

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 50
Awards: My Personal Favorite,

I want to give Nat some credit for TELLING James not to stupidly throw the HOH to Nicole, and for kind of seeing that shit was going to blow up in their face. But she didn't do anything about it, and we're past the point where I can reward Nat simply for having better instincts than James. She needed to act on them. Instead, I'm not sure if Nat was ever even in the HOH room this week. Its like she's picked up the absolute worst tendencies from James' game. I will forever be confused by those who claim that she's been bad for James' game, when it is so obvious that the reverse is true and he's been leading her astray all season. That said, I do have to fault Nat for being lead astray. So she gets no gameplay points this week, but she remains my favorite.

3. Corey

Comp: 0
Strategy: 30
Social: 50
Showplay: 20

Corey's still there, and honestly has a decent shot at f2, but god I hope he doesn't win.

4. Paul

Social: 80
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 180

Watching Paul evolve into what I consider to be a fairly elite BB player has been one of the highlights of the season. I don't think I can call him the frontrunner however, because I think Victor would actually beat him in the f2, which means that for Paul to win this season he does in fact need to slit his best friend's throat. I'm mostly cheering for this outcome, as I belong in the purist camp of not wanting Vic to win, but we'll see.

5. Victor

Social: 90
Strategy: 80
Showplay 100:

Somehow, Victor has become the frontrunner season. After winning his way back a second time, he ends up in a cushy alliance with two possible Jury goats in Nicole and Corey, he's easily the strongest competitor in the house, and he's got a loyal bro to boot. He's well positioned, and he's got a great shot with that jury vote.

6.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 30

James claims to have thrown that HOH, which absolutely sickens me. I am just too annoyed to write much more on his game this week.

7. Nicole

Comp:: 100
Social: 50
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 100
Awards: Player of the Week

Nicole won two comps and got out a player that was coming after her, but I think the WAY she did it left a lot to be desired, as I think she will be facing a giant jury problem if she makes it to the end. Nicole has a chance in this game, and it will be interesting to see her and Corey battle it out with Vic and Paul. I am very much against Nicole, but it will come down to those final comps.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 1490
2. Natalie: 1130
3. Victor: 1060
4. James: 940
5. Michelle: 930
6. Paulie: 890
7. Nicole: 870
8. Corey: 800
9. Bridgette: 560
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Natalie: 1120
2. Da: 1040
3. Paul: 1030
4. Paulie: 640
5. Michelle: 600
6. Victor: 590
7. Nicole: 490
8. Frank: 440
9. James:350
10 Bridgette: 330
11. Jozea: 270
12. Tiffany: 270
13: Corey: 210
14. Bronte: 200
15 Zakiyah: 170
16. Glenn: 90

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