Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Week 10 Game and Show

Tom's Take

Well the week that should have been the best week ever, ended up being a bit of a clusterfuck, for me and my fellow Natalie fans. That said, there was some excellent gameplay, and I think it deserves some dissection. I'm  writing this late, and I know who came back, and I'm just writing off the other jurors. There was a great scene of Paulie getting his comeuppance, but otherwise they all fell apart.

Image result for big brother 18 week 10

1. Michelle

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 90

I think Meech made the right move going with James and Natalie, (she didn't really have a choice) but she needed to do a better job of cozying up with Nicole and Corey, instead of constantly trying to turn James and Natalie against Corey and Nicole, which ultimately didn't work.

2.  Natalie

Social: 60
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 150
Awards: My Personal Favorite,

Natalie made the right noms, although not necessarily for the right reasons. She also did a great job of reeling in Meech. Unfortunately, just like James and Nat, she didn't do a very good job of assuring Nicole and Corey, but honestly I mostly blame James for that, since in the partnership of James of Natalie, he was the one with the Nicole and Corey connection. I REALLY wanted to give Nat the Best Play of the week award, but she dropped the ball, and another picked it up.

3. Corey

Comp: 0
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Showplay: 20

Corey stayed, but really through none of his doing.

4. Paul

Comp: 50
Social: 80
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 220
Awards:Star of the Show, Best Player of the Week

Paul stayed this week due to his veto win, he created a great idea that almost saved Victor, and he DID create a massive rift between James/Nat and Corey/Nicole.  He is the best player in the house, and it is not close.

5. Victor

Social: 90
Strategy: 50
Showplay 150:

Despite being evicted for the second time, Victor actually played pretty well this week, He was good enough to get Nat and Meech to want to keep him. And James looked like he was flipping before feeds cut.

6.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 20
Strategy: 90
Showplay: 30

James made the right move this week, but he executed it so horribly that he is in a bad spot now.

7. Nicole

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 60

I don't want to get carried away, because Nicole did very little to save her and Corey, but she did do SOMETHING, and so I guess that gets her some credit.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 1330
2. Natalie: 1130
3. James: 940
4. Michelle: 930
5. Paulie: 890
6. Victor: 890
7. Corey: 720
8. Nicole: 640
9. Bridgette: 560
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Natalie: 1070
2. Da: 1040
3. Paul: 850
4. Paulie: 640
5. Michelle: 580
6. Victor: 490
7. Frank: 440
8. Nicole: 390
9 Bridgette: 330
10. James:320
11. Jozea: 270
12. Tiffany: 270
13. Bronte: 200
14: Corey: 190
15 Zakiyah: 170
16. Glenn: 90

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