Monday, August 8, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Week 6 Game and Show Rankings

Tom's Take

Big Brother 18 has become pretty much unwatchable. I barely watch the episodes, that said I can give you a quick synopsis of what is happening. Paulie is running the game, Paul is playing Vice President, but with some small chance of upsetting him, and James is letting them all get away with it despite Natalie trying to open his eyes.

1. Paulie

Showplay: 40

Paulie is running Big Brother 18, and also making it unbearable to watch with his douchebro alliance.


2. Michelle

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 80

Michelle is being a more interesting character just as her game tumbles down into oblivion. She was on the wrong side of the votes, and her only ally is Zakiyah who is no help to anyone.

3.  Natalie

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 90
Awards: My Personal Favorite

After America stupidly gave Natalie a care package to put a target on her back, Natalie has a lot of heat on her right now, but she kept herself off the block by simply saying no to being a pawn. That may sound simple, but honestly it was smarter than any non-Paulie player in my opinion. She's aligned with James, has a bond with Bridgette, and has picked up Michelle while people weren't looking. Those are numbers. And if she doesn't let James fuck it up with his stupid loyalty to douchebros, she has a real shot at this in my opinion.

4. Corey

Comp: 0
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Showplay: 10

Another week of coasting for Corey.

5. Paul

Comp: 40
Social: 70
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 70
Awards: Best Player of the week

Paul is still the person with the best possible shot of overtaking Paulie, I don't hate him letting Paulie have his way this week, since unlike James he actually covered his bases with Bridgette. Paul may be this season's only real hope of a non-Paulie winner.

6. Zakiyah

Social: 0
Showplay: 50

I'm done with Z. She is getting played so hard by Paulie, and it is sad.


7. Bridgette

Comp: -
Social: 30
Showplay: 10


Bridgette is just gonna keep her head down, and hope she can make it a few more weeks. 

8. Victor

Comp: 0
Strategy: 20
Showplay 0:


9. Da'Vonne

Comp: 0
Social: 0
Showplay: 50

Awards: Star of the Show, DR Queen

I was shocked Da didn't have the roundtrip ticket. 

10.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Showplay: 50


James is coasting towards a 4th place finish. I don't want to hear anyone say he was close to winning when he gets out 4th, when I can see this ending coming for him a mile away.

11. Nicole

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Showplay: 20

Nicole seems like such a pathetic player this season.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paulie: 810
2. Paul: 740
3. Michelle: 650
4. Corey: 580
5. James: 530
6. Nicole: 520
7. Natalie: 510
8. Zakiyah: 490
9. Da: 420
10. Frank: 410
11. Bridgette: 360
12. Victor: 350
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 1040
2. Frank: 440
3. Paul: 430
4. Natalie: 420
5. Paulie: 340
6. Jozea: 270
7. Tiffany: 270
8. Nicole: 270
9. Michelle: 270
10. James:240
11. Bronte: 200
12 Bridgette: 180
13. Victor: 140
14. Glenn: 90
15 Zakiyah: 120
16: Corey: 80

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