Friday, August 12, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Rankings Weeks 7 and 8

Tom's Take

Holy crap. We've got a game everyone! I know this DE was disappointing for a lot of people who wanted the immediate satisfaction of Paulie getting evicted, but although Bridgette leaving is very disappointing, it sets up a divided house with a real battle to go through. So let's see how they got there.

1. Paulie

Showplay: 140

Paulie is a total douchebag, but I'm actually okay with him not having gone in the DE, because he now serves as the true villain of BB18. He's not charismatic to be an actual good villain, but the story of the house overwhelming him is good to watch, so for that reason I give him some show points. But make no mistake, the "show" he is causing is being a douchebag to root against. As for his gameplay, this week he set up Zakiyah, one of his most loyal soldiers to take a fall for no reason. After winning the veto, he left her up there to be cut, and then through arrogance and douchebaggery pushed the rest of the house together to go against him.

2. Michelle

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 100

Meech stayed, and I'll give her credit, for helping motivate people to keep her during the first half of the DE, but she was a minor player in this overall move, so I can't give her too much credit.

3.  Natalie

Social: 150
Strategy: 100
Showplay: 400
Awards: My Personal Favorite, Player of the week, Kween, Star of the Show

CBS doesn't show Natalie in their episodes, but screw CBS, I watch the feeds, I know what went down. James was about to pussy out like he does, and Natalie pushed and pushed and got him to use his vote cancellor to make a legit move. She also got Paul on board, which brought Vic as well. CBS may continue to not give her due credit, but the house is split between Team Natalie and Team Paulie, and we all know what side I'm on. She also blew Paulie's misogynistic BS up, leading to him spending hours ranting and raving like the misogynistic pig he is. Ultimately she got her way and clipped Zakiyah, however the DE went wrong and she lost Bridgette in the process, however due to her bond with James she remained protected by the "Executives" BS. She is constantly underestimated, which will be the downfall of many. My only worry is that those same people won't be willing to vote for her in the f2. Hopefully Bridgette will stick up for her in jury deliberations.

4. Corey

Comp: 100
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Showplay: 30

Congrats to Corey for saving his alliance by winning comps during the DE, but I'm not giving him any more game or showplay credit for making very weak moves, and for allowing Paulie's ego unite the house against him. Corey will probably be able to do some damage though, if he stays a couple more weeks, as the target will slide right off him.

5. Paul

Social: 100
Strategy: 100
Showplay: 80

Paul was a pivotal part of the plan helping Natalie confirm to James how Paulie was playing, and pushing him to stop being a spineless jellyfish. He also got his vote cancelled so no blood was on his hands. Paul is playing an Andy Herren style game of ratfloating, and he is doing it very well. I'd probably consider Paul the frontrunner at this point, but we shall see.

6. Zakiyah

Social: 0
Showplay: 50

Oh Z. You had a lot of promise, but you ended up being such a disappointment. Your departure was part of a big move, but you had no part to play in it, other than crying as Paulie let you go.

7. Bridgette

Comp: -
Social: 100
Showplay: 150


Major ups to Bridgette for her part in rallying votes against Z, even if ultimately the night ended with her following right after. She stood up to the tyrant, and for that I am thankful for her.  She was especially good standing up for Natalie, even though that is probably what ultimately cost her the game. 

8. Victor

Comp: 70
Social: 50
Strategy: 70
Showplay 50:

Mad props for the HOH win, and I'm on board with Victor as a sidekick to Paulie. He's playing under the radar despite being a comp monster. Let's see if he can keep it up.

9. Da'Vonne

1st Juror

10.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Showplay: 20

James ultimately made the move to send Z home, and by warning Corey beforehand, he probably insured his and Nat's safety in the DE, but oh it was lame TV to do so. Also, the fact that it took so much from Nat, and he basically waffled and allowed so much heat on her is why I just can't get behind James as a player.

11. Nicole

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 0

It actually makes me sad to watch Nicole be so catty. What is wrong with her? She's by all reports she's a nice individual, but

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 940
2. Paulie: 850
3. Natalie: 760
4. Michelle: 750
5. Corey: 680
6. James: 650
7. Bridgette: 560
8. Victor: 540
9. Nicole: 520
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 1040
2. Natalie: 820
3. Paul: 510
4. Paulie: 480
5. Frank: 440
6. Michelle: 370
7 Bridgette: 330
8. Jozea: 270
9. Tiffany: 270
10. Nicole: 270
11. James:260
12. Bronte: 200
13. Victor: 190
14 Zakiyah: 170
15: Corey: 130
16. Glenn: 90

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