Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take

The First Vet has been taken out. And the game has shifted. Big Brother 18 is becoming a shit show, and honestly its unpleasant to watch most of the time. My only solace is hoping Natalie can skate through and shock people.

1. Paulie

Showplay: 40

Paulie is running Big Brother 18, and also making it unbearable to watch with his douchebro alliance.

2. Michelle

Comp: 50
Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 60

Michelle won a pivotal physical veto, but she spent the whole week telling people she wanted to get out someone who wasn't going to be evicted. She's good with the majority of people in the house, but she also has no social currency, no say on what's going, and appears to be completely bamboozled by the Paulie contingent.

3.  Natalie

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 80
Awards: My Personal Favorite

She's coasting when she needs to be making moves, and despite her closest ally winning HOH, she didn't get what she really wanted out of this week. That is a bad sign, but at the same time, with so many people playing so aggressively bad, that still may be the best strategy. She's also the only person with a really good read on the house, but I really need her to speak up and start pushing.

4. Corey

Comp: 0
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Showplay: 10

Another week of coasting for Corey.

5. Paul

Comp: -
Social: 70
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 70
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Paul is probably playing the best game right now, although Paulie is the figurehead. I'm doubtful of Paul's chances in a f2 against Paulie, but he's playing well enough to get there, and these morons appear to be letting it happen.

6. Zakiyah

Social: 10
Showplay: 10

I'm done with Z. She is getting played so hard by Paulie, and it is sad.

7. Bridgette

Comp: -
Social: 30
Showplay: 70


Bridgette actually emerged as just a bit of a player this week, and even though she is hopelessly outnumbered and in an overall bad spot, she has some spunk.

8. Victor

Comp: 0
Strategy: 40
Showplay 0:


9. Da'Vonne

Comp: 0
Social: 60
Showplay: 90

Awards: Star of the Show, DR Queen

Da finally got out Frank, so good for her, but don't be surprised if she follows right behind.

10. Frank Eudy

Comp: 0
Social: 20
Strategy: 20


Frank kinda gave up in his dying gasps of the game.

15. James

Comp: 60
Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 50


Congrats to James for winning a tough HOH, but I think his gameplay was pretty weak, as he continues to do nothing but try to coast.

16. Nicole

Social: 20
Strategy: 20
Showplay: 20

Nicole seems like such a pathetic player this season.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paulie: 690
2. Michelle: 650
3. Paul: 610
4. Corey: 520
5. James: 490
6. Zakiyah: 490
7. Nicole: 480
8. Da: 420
9. Frank: 410
10. Natalie: 410
11. Victor: 310
12. Bridgette: 300
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 990
2. Frank: 440
3. Paul: 360
4. Natalie: 330
5. Paulie: 300
6. Jozea: 270
7. Tiffany: 270
8. Nicole: 250
9. Bronte: 200
10. James:190
11. Michelle: 190
12 Bridgette: 170
13. Victor: 140
14. Glenn: 90
15 Zakiyah: 70
16: Corey: 70

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