Saturday, August 20, 2016

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 9

Tom's Take

Big Brother 18 has gotten real good. We've actually got a game on our hands, with multiple people playing pretty strong games. Prior to two weeks ago, it looked like Paulie might run away with the game, but now it really looks like its almost anyone's game.

1. Paulie

Showplay: 160

It was soooo very satisfying to watch Paulie's downfall in this game. Here's my synopsis on why he fell. Paulie is Paulie. There's a saying if you fail to study history, you are doomed to repeat it, but personally I've always felt that sometimes people stupidly believe that if they just study history they will know exactly what will happen next. That's not how the world works. Every situation is different, and every person is different. Paulie is Paulie, which means he is NOT Derrick, or even Cody. Paulie actually hamstrung his game by playing with artificial rules that they gave him. He neglected his showmance, when Z was the one person in the house who would never have turned on him. He also felt he had to control every eviction like Derrick did, but he just never had the skills to pull that off while also hiding that was what he was doing. The result is that instead of playing a true Paulie game, which could have been good, especially if he actually worked with the girls, he turned into the douchecanoe that was driving everyone in the house to turn against him. And when they did, he had nothing left but to cry his eyes out at some butterflies.

2. Michelle

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 120

Meech has a legit shot to win BB18, probably a more legit shot than she really deserves, because I think she had far less to do with her staying than the jury is going to credit her with. She also gets to make a lot of fun speeches to continue to build credit with that jury. Meech isn't a super active member of the BB18 game, but she's positioned well, and will probably continue to be positioned well unless the jury buyback really goes wrong for her.

3.  Natalie

Social: 90
Strategy: 90
Showplay: 100
Awards: My Personal Favorite,

Natalie is playing a great game, and quickly emerging as one of the top contenders left in the house. She and James have sort of split up duties of which side of the house to really bond with, James taking Nicorey, while Natalie works on Paul/Vic/Meech. She has done her part very well, and Paulie's eviction this week owes a lot to her maneuvering. The question for Nat is which side is it better to go with to reach the end, and how does she make sure the jury credits her moves?

4. Corey

Comp: 0
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Showplay: 40

Corey got a fun costume, and was able to lowkey build some rapport with James. He's not in a great spot, but he could get left in too long, and be dangerous.

5. Paul

Social: 80
Strategy: 60
Showplay: 120
Awards:Star of the Show

Paul was the one responsible for this week's noms, and it was an aggressive move that put him back into place as the frontrunner. Now the question is whether he can drive it home.

6. Zakiyah

Social: 0

2nd Juror

7. Bridgette

Comp: -


3rd Juror

8. Victor

Comp: 100
Social: 70
Strategy: 40
Showplay 150:
Awards: Player of the Week

Congrats to Victor for finally pulling the trigger on Paulie. That move earns him massive respect, and legitimately puts him in contention.

9. Da'Vonne

1st Juror

10.  James

Comp: 0
Social: 90
Strategy: 90
Showplay: 30

The other half of the James and Natalie pair, and contrary to public opinion, James IS playing. While Natalie has helped form the Revolution and keeps her and James on their good side, James has made sure Natalie and him are good with Nicole and Corey as well. I'm not a James fan, and I think he plays like a coward, and will probably steal credit for Natalie's great game play, but he is actually supporting her, while still positioning himself well, and he deserves some credit for that.

11. Nicole

Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 60

Well, Nicole is still there.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paul: 1120
2. Natalie: 940
3. Paulie: 890
4. Michelle: 850
5. James: 830
6. Victor: 750
7. Corey: 700
8. Bridgette: 560
9. Nicole: 540
10. Zakiyah: 490
11. Da: 420
12. Frank: 410
13. Tiffany: 260
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 1040
2. Natalie: 920
3. Paulie: 640
4. Paul: 630
5. Michelle: 490
6. Frank: 440
7. Victor: 340
8 Bridgette: 330
9. Nicole: 330
10. James:290
11. Jozea: 270
12. Tiffany: 270
13. Bronte: 200
14 Zakiyah: 170
15: Corey: 170
16. Glenn: 90

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