Saturday, July 23, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 4

Tom's Take

Week 4 is in the books. We got our battleback competition, and I guess congratulations Victor. I dunno, I'm pretty frustrated with the BB game right now, but let's get into talking about it.

1. Tiffany

Comp: 20
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Showplay: 70

Tiffany worked her ass off this week, and she got Frank on her side, so I'll give her points for that, but those are sort of consolation points, because she's gone now.

2. Paulie

Showplay: 70

Paulie is currently the king of the #BB18 house, and oh boy do I hate it. He's following the douchebro path of going to the end with a legion of bro idiots. That was the strategy that made BB16 pretty much unwatchable, and it is set to doom BB18 as well. Ugh.

3. Bronte

Show: 40
Evicted 3rd

4. Michelle

Comp: 0
Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 10

Michelle went back to being invisible this week.

5.  Natalie

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 80
Awards: My Personal Favorite

Natalie survived her first time on the block, and I continue to just love her. But she has very little power in the game, and while I'll give her credit for consciously trying to hide under the radar, I need her to step up and play a more active game if she's gonna have any chance of winning this season.

6. Corey

Comp: 30
Social: 70
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 30
Awards: Player of the Week

Still dislike Corey, but I dislike Paulie more, so there's that. He's playing a strong game, not as out in front as Paulie, and him and Nicole seem to always be swing votes. He also saved himself from the block, so I gotta give him kudos for that.

7. Paul

Comp: -
Social: 70
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 70

I am not a Paul fan. But I am continually impressed by his ability to insert himself into every single conversation and gametalk in the house. God help me, but he's probably going to win this whole thing.

8. Zakiyah

Social: 30
Showplay: 10

I'm no longer impressed with Zakiyah for coasting. I don't think Paulie is truly loyal to her, and she's cutting down people who may be loyal to her. It's really disheartening to see, especially since I was so high on her game early on. She has never touched the block, but what has she done post week 1 to gain her safety? With Natalie, I can point to her consciously going under the radar. Zakiyah doesn't appear to possess that much game awareness. At least not at this point, with Paulie in the game.

9. Bridgette

Comp: -
Social: 30
Showplay: 50


Bridgette actually emerged as just a bit of a player this week, and even though she is hopelessly outnumbered and in an overall bad spot, she has some spunk.

10. Glenn

Show: 30
1st Evicted

Poor poor Glenn. 

11. Victor

Comp: 70
Showplay 50:

Awards: Battleback Champion

Welcome back Victor.

12. Jozea

Comp: 10
Showplay: 50

Awards: Messiah

13. Da'Vonne

Comp: 0
Social: 10
Showplay: 170

Awards: Star of the Show, DR Queen

Da is playing a pretty awful game at this point, and no one really wants to work with her right now. But she survived the block, so I'll give her some kudos. But not many.

14. Frank Eudy

Comp: 0
Social: 40
Strategy: 40


Watching Frank with his back against the wall has been an upgrade, and he's mustering his gameplay back. He's still playing far behind, but there's hope for him.

15. James

Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 40


James is in one of the comfiest positions in the house, but he can't even prevent his girlfriend from being used as a pawn. There's a thin line between being a smart gameplayer and being a pushover sheep, and I'm afraid James is on the wrong side of the line.

16. Nicole

Social: 40
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 40

Like Corey, Nicole is playing in the middle, but unlike Corey, Nicole doesn't have a douchebro alliance to fall back on.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paulie: 570
2. Michelle: 540
3. Zakiyah: 470
4. Paul: 470
5. Corey: 460
6. Nicole: 440
7. Frank: 370
8. James: 350
9. Natalie: 330
10. Da: 300
11. Tiffany: 260
12. Bridgette: 240
13. Victor: 230
14: Bronte: 150
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 900
2. Frank: 360
3. Paul: 290
4. Jozea: 270
5. Tiffany: 270
6. Natalie: 250
7. Paulie: 240
8. Nicole: 210
9. Bronte: 200
10. James:190
11. Victor: 140
12. Michelle: 130
13 Bridgette: 100
14. Glenn: 90
15 Zakiyah: 60
16: Corey: 60

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