Saturday, July 9, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Rankings Week 2

Tom's Take

Week 2 is in the books, and despite a very boring week of gameplay on the surface, there was a LOT that happened under the surface thanks largely to Da, riling the hamsters up!

1. Tiffany

Comp: 0
Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 90

I'm kind of over Tiffany. We already got to see Vanessa play Big Brother, and Tiffany's game seems like a ripoff, only this season no one is falling for it. Her paranoia has hit super high levels and it is rubbing people the wrong way. At this point she's closer to Audrey's position than Vanessa's.

2. Paulie

Comp: 80
Showplay: 80
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Paulie has a certain degree of charm that is undeniable. Cody 2.0 brings the charm of BB16 to BB18, but without Derrick's overwhelming dominance at the game to strangle the excitement out of the season. He played a very strong HOH, getting out a house target while also making new bonds. He also gets major props for not self destructing like almost every member of the 8 Pack seemed to. He's subtly reshuffling the deck to put himself at the center of the house alliance, and he's becoming a real frontrunner to win this season. However, I dislike how he ignores pieces on the board in the Puffs, and I think he's trust Zakiyah too much, when Zak has stronger ties with Da. He also kind of rambles, but these are all nitpicks, on the guy who's playing probably the best game in the house right now.

3. Bronte

Comp: 0
Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 40

Bronte is playing defense right now, and she's much more likeable on this side of the game. She knows she screwed up, and is trying her best to fix her mistakes. She's intentionally trying to fall under the radar, and its somewhat working for now, but lets see if she

4. Michelle

Comp: 30
Social: 30
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 10

Michelle is straight up coasting like a bawse. She's not super entertaining on feeds other than her ridiculous I hate Bridgette vendetta. She's pretty funny, and could be a danger later in the game, but right now she's more of a sleeper pick.

5.  Natalie

Social: 50
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 60
Awards: My Personal Favorite

I'm going to own that my preference for Natalie is largely based on me having a total crush on this babe. That said, she has intelligently vocalized her strategy of trying to go under the radar after a bad first week, and she is working hard to crack James to try and get herself into the fold of the game. She's got a long road ahead of her, and I don't really think she's got much of a shot to win, but god help me, I'm rooting for her.

6. Corey

Comp: -
Social: 60
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 0

Corey is so boring, but he's doing fine in the game.

7. Paul

Comp: -
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Showplay: 90

Paul appears to be picking up the game quickly, and he is a dark horse in this game. I'm still not really a fan, but he's a fairly rootable underdog with how horrible the vets and other side of the house are.

8. Zakiyah

Social: 70
Showplay: 10

Zakiyah is someone that the editors are going to sleep on, because Da is more exciting television, but she's got a really good shot to go far and mix it up this season.

9. Bridgette

Comp: 30
Social: 30
Showplay: 10


Bridgette is sort of the dud amongst the girls of this cast for me. That said, I like her well enough, and her ratfloater ways are probably pretty smart. 

10. Glenn

Awards: Jodi + BB13 Keith

Poor poor Glenn. 

11. Victor

Comp: 40
Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 40


Victor's only chance would have been to put himself on the block. But he didn't think of that, and now his only hope is to fight his way back in that battle back competition. Good luck, I guess.

12. Jozea

Awards: Messiah

13. Da'Vonne

Comp: 0
Social: 40
Showplay: 300

Awards: Star of the Show, DR Queen

Da is the queen of BB18, in that she is the reason this pre-jury phase isn't a total slog. She keeps things interesting with what should frankly be disastrous gameplay. That said, while Nicole and Corey seem to know how full of it Da is, they are on board with her for the moment, which means the crazy Da train continues to speed on, and we are all lucky for it. 

14. Frank Eudy

Comp: 30
Social: 0
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 130

Awards: Worst Player of the Week

Frank's game went into the toilet this week, and I"m not sure if he is even close to realizing it yet. He made tons of deals, telling everyone things that were just a little different, and he also made it clear that he was the King of the House. The King of the House in Week 2 is never going to be the one who wins, and Frank is heading for a fall.

15. James

Social: 60
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 50


In a season where the other vets are overplaying pretty hard, James may be the best set up, just by not playing super hard, and just pranking people. 

16. Nicole

Social: 50
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 50

I'm just not a Nicole Fan, and I never will be, but she's playing pretty well, and she continues to be set up to do very well in this game.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Paulie: 350
2. Zakiyah: 290
3. Nicole: 280
4. Michelle: 260
5. James: 250
6. Frank: 260
7. Natalie: 210
8. Paul: 200
9. Da: 190
10. Corey: 190
11. Bridgette: 180
12. Victor: 160
13: Bronte: 150
14. Tiffany: 120
15: Jozea: 10
16: Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings:

1. Da: 550
2. Jozea: 220
3. Frank: 200
4. Paul: 160
5. Tiffany: 150
6. Paulie: 120
7. Bronte: 120
8. Natalie: 100
9. Nicole: 100
10. James: 90
11. Victor: 90
12. Glenn: 60
13: Michelle: 50
14: Zakiyah: 40
15: Bridgette: 30
16: Corey: 0

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