Thursday, June 30, 2016

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 18 Game and Show Week 1

Tom's Take

Welcome back! Its time to break down the gameplay and showplay of these 16 players in the first week. All I can say, is that there has been a lot of bad gameplay this first week, with some tiny glimmers of hope, and I hope to see more of that in the future. For week 1, I want to see someone kinda play the background, but make some strong connections, so that's what I will consider good strategy and social. I am sort of haphazardly giving out the comp points, and showplay is a combo of episodes and feeds. Remember this is all subjective, and you may violently disagree with me, but I'm grading what I see.

1. Tiffany

Comp: 10
Social: 40
Strategy: 50
Showplay: 60

Tiffany is exactly like her sister, both the good and the bad. Honestly, mostly bad, since I think she is overemotional, and she has problems being a cog in the machine of the general alliance. She has fought with Frank for no reason, and there is a bunch of conflict with Da, that she will have to contend with.

2. Paulie

Comp: 20
Social: 60
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 40

Paulie is Cody's brother. He's got the Caliafiore charm, and he's got all the girls eating out of his hand. But he's not even in the 8 Pack alliance, so I can't really give him too much credit. 

3. Bronte

Comp: 30
Social: 30
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 80

I'm out on Bronte. I thought she might be the best of the spy girls, but the stupidity of the boys infected her and she lost the plot. She made dumb comments about James, and is a pretty large target for the Fatal Five alliance. She could be in a lot of trouble if Victor wins the veto, because the newbies would rather her go than Paul.

4. Michelle

Comp: 20
Social: 30
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 40

Michelle is introverted, but well positioned. I agree with her decision to join the vets, and on top of that she's joined the Fatal Five, but she's very catty. She refuses to talk to any of the girls outside of her alliance. She's a super fan, but she's made some of her own controversial comments. I'm not a fan. But I do want a female newbie to win, so maybe?

5.  Natalie

Comp: 30
Social: 60
Strategy: 30
Showplay: 40
Awards: My Personal Favorite

I dunno. She's cute, and fun, and likeable. I hope she turns into a gamer as this season progresses.

6. Corey

Comp: 10
Social: 60
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 0

Corey is the sellout of the newbies, and I think that was a mistake. A vet is probably going to win this game, and it is because Corey didn't take the HOH. The guy is dumb as a bag of hammers. And he's a terrible person.

7. Paul

Comp: 50
Social: 30
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 70

Paul is a total moron. But he's getting a ton of airtime.

8. Zakiyah

Comp: 10
Social: 40
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 30

Zakiyah is probably the smartest of the newbies, but she isolates herself too much.

9. Bridgette

Comp: 20
Social: 40
Showplay: 20


She's pretty meh. 

10. Glenn

Comp: 0
Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 60

Awards: Jodi

Poor poor Glenn. 

11. Victor

Comp: 80
Social: 10
Strategy: 10
Showplay: 50


Victor is also a moron, but he gave his whole team safety for two evictions, so I gotta give him props for that. 

12. Jozea

Social: 0
Strategy: 0
Showplay: 220


The Messiah was great TV, although his eviction was kind of a disappointment, but just like I predicted he blamed Natalie, who had nothing to do with his eviction. 

13. Da'Vonne

Comp: 10
Social: 60
Strategy: 60
Showplay: 250

Awards: Star of the Show, DR Queen

The BB18 producers can't get enough of Da. She's everywhere, and for good reason. Da is playing the most aggressive game so far this season, and as a result she's one of the frontrunners, but I honestly don't think it is sustainable. 

14. Frank Eudy

Comp: 50
Social: 60
Strategy: 70
Showplay: 70


There's this crazy misconception that Frank played a bad social game in BB14. I say he had a good social game, and was just in a house full of vets he couldn't outplay. His real problem was that he allowed others to be the strategists. He needs to take that role this season, and let everyone serve HIM. He needs to be aggressive, and not wait for his allies to take him down while he's chilling. 

15. James

Social: 60
Strategy: 40
Showplay: 40


James is a vet, so he's miles ahead of most of the players in the house, but he's still just James. 

16. Nicole

Comp: 20
Social: 80
Strategy: 80
Showplay: 50

Awards: Best Player of Week 1

I am rooting against the same way I rooted against Cochran in Caramoan. I think this season was built for her to win, and it annoys me. That said, she is playing a good game. She has f2s with Frank, Da, James (I think I saw), and Corey. She's in the alliance within the alliance, and after this week's blindside, her target will shrink.

Gameplay Rankings

1. Nicole: I80
2. Frank: 180
3. James: 140
4. Zak: 130
5. Da: 130
6. Michelle: 130
7. Natalie: 120
8. Paulie: 110
9. Tiffany: 100
10. Victor: 100
11.Bridgette: 90
12.  Bronte: 90
13. Corey: 80
14. Paul: 80
15.  Jozea: 10
16 Glenn: 0

Showplay Rankings

1. Da: 250
2. Jozea: 220
3. Bronte: 80
4. Frank: 70
5. Paul: 70
6. Tiffany: 60
7. Glenn: 60
8. Nicole
9. Victor: 50
10. Paulie: 40
11. James: 40
12. Natalie: 40
13. Michelle: 40
14: Zakiyah: 30
15. Bridgette: 20
16. Corey: 0

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