Saturday, August 16, 2014

Five Drinks Into Big Brother 16 Game and Show Week 8

Tom's Take:

For some ungodly reason the Big Brother producers decided to keep the 2 HOH twist going. The result is that instead of there being a big power flip this week and exciting gameplay, we got the sad story of Christine being pathetic and backstabbing her friend. Big Brother has ruined my view of women as strong and confident and instead made me into a firm DISbeliever in the possibility of feminism ever working. can't keep letting these guys roll all over you. Anyways, we lost Nicole this week and the status quo remained the status quo. Snore.

1. Caleb

Strategy: 70
Social: 50
Show: 80
Alliances: Bomb Squad Loyalist
Awards: Most improved player

Seriously, don't look now, but Caleb is a contender in this game. He probably won't win especially since he's aligned with people he can't beat in the F2, but it is looking more and more likely that Caleb will get a chance to present his case to the jury. 

2. Christine

HOH: 20/100
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 10
Alliances:  Detonators
Awards: N/A

Christine struck a blow against all feminism last week, by pretty much putting an end to any chance of a girl winning Big Brother 16. I am not going to comment on the Cody friendship, and I think the hate on Christine as a person is absolutely ridiculous and horrifying, but her gameplay is not good. 

3. Cody

Strategy: 20
Social: 80
Show: 20
Alliances: The Detonators, Hitmen, 
Awards: N/A

Cody surviving getting nominated yet again is impressive, the guy is a decent player who also doesn't really deserve hate. Is he Robin to Derrick's Batman? Absolutely. But if Derrick gets cut prior to final 3, he should be able to win Cody the game, so Cody's got a real good shot at winning this season. 

4. Derrick

Strategy: 40
Social: 90
Show: 70
Alliances: See Cody, Plus Team America, and Derrick and Victoria
Awards:  Current favorite.

I continue to disaprove of many of Derrick's strategic choices, since this second half of the game looks much harder for Derrick than it should be, but he was brilliant in doing damage control this week, so I have to give him credit for that. 

5. Hayden

6. Jocasta

7. Donny

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 40
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

It is shocking to me that Donny is still in the game. Good for him. I wish he could win Fan Favorite over Arianna Grande's brother. 

8. Frankie

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 90
Social: 50
Show: 90
Alliances: The Detonators
Awards: N/A

Kudos for reveal his secret. It was the perfect time to do so, and even though he didn't really make a big recovery overall, it did in theory mend some fences. 

9. Zach

POV: 50/50
Strategy: 70
Social: 50
Show: 120
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Zach did well this week, but I remain firmly in the camp that believes Zach is over rated. Sorry #Zankie fans. 

10. Nicole

Dethroned HOH: 10
Strategy: 10
Social: 50
Show: 100
Alliances: RIP Rationale
Awards: NA

Poor Nicole. She at least was entertaining going out. 

11. Victoria

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 80
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush, Pawn Star

If the pawn advances to the other side of the board she can become a queen. #TeamVictoria. #QueenVictoria.

In all seriousness Victoria should have 50 grand coming to her at the end of the summer when she's the goat taken to final two. 

I stick by that.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Zach: 630
2. Caleb: 570
3. Frankie: 540
4. Devin: 490
5. Donny: 410
6. Derrick: 380
7. Nicole: 380
8. Victoria: 270
9: Hayden: 240
10. Amber: 220
11. Cody: 200
12. Brittany: 190
13. Jocasta: 180
14. Pow Pow: 110
15. Christine: 110
16. Joey: 80

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Derrick: 965
2. Hayden: 860
3. Cody: 845
4. Frankie: 820
5. Nicole: 710
6. Christine: 645
7. Caleb: 550
8. Donny: 520
9. Zach: 470
10. Victoria: 400
11. Amber: 165
12. Jocasta: 160
13. Brittany: 90
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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