Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Game and Show Week 9

Tom's Take:

And we've got our buyback! Nicole is back in the house, and while this will affect pretty much nothing in the house other than making this rather boring season go longer, it is our top story on the night.

Oh and Twitter's favorite, Zach Attack is gone. He will be missed for his antics, although he was not a particularly good player. I wish Twitter would accept the game as it is, but since I'm barely even paying attention to the show any more, I guess I can't really blame them.

1. Caleb

Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 90
Alliances: Bomb Squad Loyalist
Awards: Most improved player

I'm a Caleb fan now. The guy has probably only like a 10% of winning the game, but I think he's going to be right there at the end, and considering how he started the season, that is impressive. People have finally decided to take the big loyal meathead far in the game realizing that the big target isn't a real threat, and the end result is that he might actually be a threat. 

2. Christine

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 10
Alliances:  N/A
Awards: N/A

Christine is meh to me. I think the twitter hate on her goes way way too far, but at the same time I really don't have much positive to say about her to combat it. So I'll just stop there. 

3. Cody

Strategy: 30
Social: 60
Show: 40
Alliances: The Detonators, Hitmen, 
Awards: N/A

Robin...I mean Cody is doing well as Derrick's sidekick, which might be enough to get him at least 50 grand, and maybe 500 if he can figure out that he needs to cut Derrick at the end. 

4. Derrick

Dethroned HOH: 50/50
Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 60
Alliances: See Cody, Plus Team America, and Derrick and Victoria
Awards:  Current favorite.

Good for Derrick. He needed to split up Donny/Zach, as they would have been an alliance for Nicole to jump into this week. Instead he continues to lead the majority in crushing the pathetic minority making for a boring season much like Redemption Island from Survivor. Boston Rob played the most dominant game ever that season, and Derrick may well be on his way to doing the same for Big Brother. 

5. Donny

Botb: 20
Strategy: 60
Social: 0
Show: 70
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Donny continues to try...and fail.

6. Frankie

HOH: 50/100
Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 60
Alliances: The Detonators
Awards: N/A

Frankie backdoored Zach and ended Zankie. Sorry Zankie fans, Frankie was always more devoted to Caleb than Zach. 

7. Zach

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 100
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Oh poor Zach. He didn't play a very good game, but Twitter loved him, so let's all feel sorry for him. In case you can't tell I'm not a Zach fan, since I was told in week three that this was the second coming of Dan and Dr. Will, and every time I turned on the feeds the guy was sleeping. Guy didn't play a good game, people. Get over him. 

8. Nicole

Show: 50

She's Back.

9. Victoria

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 40
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush, Pawn Star

If the pawn advances to the other side of the board she can become a queen. #TeamVictoria. #QueenVictoria.

In all seriousness Victoria should have 50 grand coming to her at the end of the summer when she's the goat taken to final two. 

I stick by that.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Zach: 730
2. Caleb: 660
3. Frankie: 600
4. Devin: 490
5. Donny: 480
6. Derrick: 440
7. Nicole: 430
8. Victoria: 310
9. Cody: 240
10: Hayden: 240
11. Amber: 220
12. Brittany: 190
13. Jocasta: 180
14. Christine: 120
15. Pow Pow: 110
16. Joey: 80

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Derrick: 1175
2. Frankie: 950
3. Cody: 935
4. Hayden: 860
5. Nicole: 710
6. Caleb: 690
7. Christine: 685
8. Donny: 600
9. Victoria: 480
10. Zach: 470
11. Amber: 165
12. Jocasta: 160
13. Brittany: 90
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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