Saturday, July 12, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Week Two Game and Show Week 2

Tom's Take:

What an amazing week of Big Brother. Thank you BB Gods for giving us a Devin HOH.

1. Caleb

Strategy: 40
Social: 10
Show: 70
Alliances: Bomb Squad Part 2: Shit's About to Explode!, The Terrible Trio
Awards: Stalkmance

I love how the show randomly zooms in on Caleb's face whenever Amber is talking. He was also feeds gold for helping detonate the Devin Bomb all over everyone. We were in for a fairly boring week if Devin had just gotten his way and evicted Brittany. Everyone in the BS was just going to go along with it, but Caleb heard the whispers and confronted Devin about it directly. This lead to the BS blowing up in pieces, even though Caleb remains a BS Loyalist, turning Devin into the scapegoat for the leadership role that he himself somehwhat has. The BS won't last, not even the patched together version that remains, and Caleb probably won't make it to jury, but Caleb is an entertaining player. 

2. Amber

Deposed HOH: 5/30
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 40
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, The Terrible Trio, 
Awards: N/A

Amber was a disgrace as HOH, and I am disappointed in all of the women on this season. She was wishy washy when she should have been assertive. The result is that she made enemies and got nothing out of her week. She's tied to Caleb as well as Devin now which means she's on a sinking ship. 

3. Brittany

Strategy: 0
Social: 20
Show: 80
Alliances: Holier than Thou Trinity, 
Awards: N/A

I really dislike Brittany. Make no mistake, Brittany is just as annoying as Devin, but does not provide the entertainment that Devin does. Her game sucks, and she reminds me of Elissa from last season where she just whines and acts entitled. She's hot, but she just doesn't have any game, and her attempts to play grate on me. Ugh. 

4. Christine

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 20
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, Nicotine, The Fragment, The Trilogy, Frankie/Christine,
Awards: N/A

Christine has a lot of alliances, but I'm steering more and more away from her as someone who can win this game. She doesn't have a way of controlling any of these alliances, since the guys are too assertive for her to control. She's also boring, but she'll probably make it far just because she doesn't really TRY to control what's going on. 

5. Cody

Strategy: 60
Social: 80
Show: 20
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, The Fragment, The Boyz
Awards: N/A

Cody has a real strong shot to win this game. He reminds me a lot of Jon from Big Brother Canada 2. He's a straight shooter, with a great social game, and has physical skills that should come in handy down the line. He's only on the show though when he's checking out the ladies. This makes him kind of an annoying character when he should be Jeff 2.0. 

6. Derrick

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 60
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, The Fragment, The Boyz, Team America
Awards:  My Personal Favorite, Best Player of the Week, 

Derrick is playing a great game, and he's the frontrunner to win. But that's not really the best place to be after week two. He's a great player, but let's see how he handles power. 

7. Hayden

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 50
Social: 70
Show: 30
Alliances: The Trilogy, Hayden and Nicole,BS2, 
Awards: N/A

Hayden is playing an under the radar game, but he has a perfect read on the house, and a great social game to boot. Hayden is going to be very dangerous down the line.

8. Jocasta

Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 0
Alliances: Holier than Thou Trinity, 
Awards: N/A


9. Devin

HOH: 4.5
POV: 4.5
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show:  200
Alliances: Devin and his Daughter
Awards: Star of the Show

Devin is amazing. He's such a terrible player, and such great tv. 

10. Donny

Strategy: 20
Social: 70
Show: 60
Alliances: Team America, Holier than Thou Trinity,
Awards: N/A

Donny is the fan favorite, and in the house people seem to fall in love with him despite not knowing where he is playing gamewise. 

11. Frankie

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 70
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, Zankie, Frankie and Christine,  The Fragment,
Awards: N/A

Frankie stumbled this week, and it seemed like he was going after Zach. I have no idea why he would do that. He's still a decent player, but he needs to fade back in the scenery for a while and then start cutting the other smart players. 

12. Zach

Strategy: 40
Social: 10
Show: 140
Alliances: Bomb Squad 2, Zankie, The Fragment, The Boyz,
Awards: N/A

Zach is Boogie. That's both good (He won Allstars) and bad, (he lost two seasons.) He naps a lot, but when he wakes up his game is very erratic. He gets into arguments, but when he's on his game people find themselves trusting him quite a bit.  People who think he's a Dan or Will though are sadly mistaken.

13. Nicole

BOTB: 20 
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 50
Alliances: Hayden and Nicole, Nicotine, The Trilogy
Awards: NA

Nicole is cute, and her social game is under the radar and people trust her, which makes her dangerous.

14. Victoria

Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 10
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush

Victoria wasn't nominated. Good for her. 

15. Paola

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 50
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Poor Pow. Pawns go home. 

Showplay Rankings:

1. Devin: 450
2. Zach: 180
3. Frankie: 170
4. Caleb: 150
5. Donny: 140
6. Pow Pow: 110
7. Amber: 100
8. Brittany: 100
9. Derrick: 100
10. Nicole: 90
11. Joey: 80
12: Hayden: 60
13. Victoria: 50
14. Christine: 50
15. Cody: 40
16. Jocasta: 20

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Derrick: 335
2. Cody: 305
3. Frankie: 280
4. Christine: 260
5. Hayden: 240
6. Nicole: 230
7. Zach: 190
8. Donny: 180
9. Caleb: 150
10. Amber: 85
11. Victoria: 80
12. Jocasta: 80
13. Brittany: 70
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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