Saturday, July 5, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Game and Show Week 1

Tom's Take:

And we've got our first week of gameplay, and I am LOVING this cast. We've got several decent gamers as well as many simply awful players.

I am not a fan of the two HOH twist, as I think it obstructs players from making moves or being able to reasonably plan ahead which makes gametalk frustrating and often pointless, and so far Team America has been a flop, but again, none of that deters from this season for me, because I LOVE this cast.

1. Caleb

HOH: 50
Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 80
Alliances: Bomb Squad
Awards: Stalkmance

Every time I start to like Caleb he does or says something stupid. He's way too obsessed with Amber, which is causing him problems outside of the house already, but inside the house the biggest liability to his game is actually Devin, because Devin is a sinking ship and Caleb is currently poised to go down with him. That said, he is not anyone's #1 target right now, and although he has the typical alpha male competitor "I'm gonna win every comp" strategy, his social game isn't actually awful for all that. 

2. Amber

Strategy: 10
Social: 60
Show: 60
Alliances: Bomb Squad
Awards: N/A

I like Amber well enough, but her best move so far was lucking into the Bomb Squad and diffusing Caleb from turning on her after her initial rejection of him. She has to manage Caleb for the Meat Shield he is, and start rallying up some of the Outsider Girls for when the Bomb Squad explodes, but if she does she could still turn into a player in this game. Other than that she's just the romantic lead in Caleb's fantasy which will be played out fairly soon. 

3. Brittany

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 0
Social: 30
Show: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Kudos to Brittany for saving herself from the block, but this girl has no game. I was wrong about her. Dead wrong, I don't think Brittany will last long this season.

4. Christine

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 30
Alliances: Bomb Squad, Nicotine, The Fragment
Awards: N/A

Christine is fairly bland in my opinion, but she's playing a very strong game. She's just a step behind Frankie with most people, but she seems to have Nicole in her back pocket while Frankie doesn't seem to have someone outside the Bomb Squad who is 100% loyal to him like Nicole is to Christine. That could be Christine's secret weapon for when the Bomb Squad goes boom. 

5. Cody

Strategy: 75
Social: 90
Show: 20
Alliances: Bomb Squad, The Fragment
Awards: N/A

Cody is kind of bland, although from what Twitter tells me he is really really good looking. The House seems to agree, and a lot of girls in the house like Cody. That's his in for when he wants to branch away from the BS.

6. Derrick

Strategy: 85
Social: 90
Show: 40
Alliances: Bomb Squad, The Fragment
Awards:  My Personal Favorite

I am #TeamDerrick. Love him. He has got Victoria locked down and has good relationships with everyone in the house. He like Christine is a step behind Frankie, but I trust that he's just slow playing and waiting for Frankie to trip up.

7. Hayden

Strategy: 40
Social: 60
Show: 30
Alliances: Pair with Nicole
Awards: N/A

So that Metal Calturo was funny. Hayden is well liked in the house, and waiting to make a move. He seems close with Nicole, but I'm not sure what he's think long term.

8. Jocasta

Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 20
Alliances: God 
Awards: N/A

Jocasta is an enigma in the game. She's super religious though in a cast where that seems to be going over well. I don't see her becoming much of a player though.

9. Joey

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 80
Alliances: N/A
Awards: First Boot, Worst Move for making a Girl's Alliance,

What a bizarre and terrible player. 

10. Devin

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show:  250
Alliances: Bomb Squad
Awards: Star of the Show

Meet the star of BB16. Devin looks like the Rock, and alternates being a bully and crying in the bathroom. He's no Amanda Zuckerman though, because she at least understood she was playing a game. I have no idea what Devin thinks he's doing though. He does have a daughter though. Remember that. Or don't. Cuz Devin will remind you at least 50 times. Per day. 

11. Donny

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 10
Social: 50
Show: 80
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Donny may be the nicest human being to ever be on Big Brother.

12. Frankie

Deposed HOH: 30/30
Strategy: 95
Social: 95
Show: 100
Alliances: Bomb Squad, Zankie, The Fragment
Awards: Best Player of the Week

Frankie is proving himself big time. I was prepared to dislike him for stunt casting, but Frankie is in it to win it, and so far he is the 2nd coming of Andy Herren. There are other smart players in the house though, and no Moving Company to distract them from his control of the game. Derrick and Christine are also there, and Derrick in particular is going to be a threat to Frankie sooner or later. Frankie has his work cut out for him, but right now he is the player to beat. 

13. Zach

Strategy: 80
Social: 60
Show: 40
Alliances: Bomb Squad, Zankie, The Fragment
Awards: N/A

Zach naps too much, and there are other players running circles around him in the social game, but it is early yet. He has a good grasp on the game and is slow playing it right now, but although arrogant, I think we've got some fun moves coming from Zach sometime in the future. At least I hope so. Otherwise he has 2nd place written all over him, because he doesn't have the connections to win the jury vote. 

14. Nicole

Strategy: 50
Social: 60
Show: 40
Alliances: Hayden and Nicole, Nicotine
Awards: NA

Nicole was cast to wipe out the memory of Aaryn from last season. And she has been successful, people love Nicole, but so far she doesn't have a ton of game other than teaming up with Christine. She's a fan though, so she knows what she's doing and is playing the best of all non BS members. 

15. Victoria

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 40
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush

I've got a crush on Victoria, but she is not a very good player. I'm hoping Derrick takes her far though!

16. Paola

Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 60
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Pawn Star

Pow Pow is going to be on the block every week until she goes home.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Devin: 250
2. Frankie: 100
3. Joey: 80
4. Donny: 80
5. Caleb: 80
6. Amber: 60
7. Pow Pow: 60
8. Nicole: 40
9. Derrick: 40
10. Zach: 40
11. Victoria: 40
12. Christine: 30
13: Hayden
14. Cody: 20
15. Jocasta: 20
16. Brittany: 20

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Frankie: 220
2. Christine: 180
3. Derrick: 175
4. Cody: 165
5. Zach: 140
6. Nicole: 110
7. Hayden: 100
8. Caleb: 100
9. Donny: 90
10. Amber: 70
11. Victoria: 50
12. Jocasta: 50
13. Brittany: 50
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 0
16. Joey: 0

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