Sunday, July 20, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Game and Show Week 3

Tom's Take:

Devin as HOH was fun. Devin leaving was pretty dull.

1. Caleb

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 90
Alliances: Bomb Squad Loyalist
Awards: Stalkmance

Caleb's hot and cold stalkmance with Amber is entertaining but it is absolutely awful for his game. He almost volunteered to get voted out this week, and if Devin had won veto he very well could have been. Instead he is the last person in the house who still thinks the BS is a thing, but because of his Bro Loyalty, it may be a while before the Detonators bother to cut him. 

2. Amber

BOTB: 20
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 30
Alliances: HT3, 
Awards: N/A

Amber is not a very good player, but she's got Caleb throwing himself on the block to save her, so she's got a few more weeks left as long as she doesn't do anything to get Caleb to turn on her. 

3. Brittany

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 20
Alliances: Holier than Thou Trinity, 
Awards: N/A

Same as last week. Brittany does nothing to help herself in the game, instead just digging herself further and further into the grave.

4. Christine

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 10
Alliances:  Nicotine, The Detonator, The Trilogy, Frankie/Christine,
Awards: N/A

Christine continues to be a quiet presence. She's definitely a floater, which is a good strategy for going far, but I'm worried that she's not doing enough to set herself up for the second half of the game. If I had to predict right now, I would see her getting evicted somewhere in the 4-6th place range. 

5. Cody

Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 50
Alliances: The Detonators, Jump Street, The Boyz, 
Awards: N/A

Cody continues to play a great social game, but he's gotta watch to see if his recent interactions with Amber will cause problems for him with Caleb. 

6. Derrick

HOH: 50/100
Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 60
Alliances: The Detonators, The Boyz, Jump Street, Team America
Awards:  Current favorite to win

It was actually a dull week for Derrick as HOH. Derrick is running the show right now, and did a good job of not shaking things up by just taking out Devin. 

7. Hayden

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 40
Alliances: The Trilogy, Hayden and Nicole, The Boyz,
Awards: N/A

Hayden is playing a very good game, and he is quickly gaining on the rest of BS players. He's one to watch, as he is becoming more and more powerful without really doing anything.

8. Jocasta

Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 30
Alliances: Holier than Thou Trinity, 
Awards: N/A

Jocasta cried a lot, and did nothing, but Donny saved her so good for her.

9. Devin

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show:  40
Alliances: Devin and his Daughter
Awards: N/A

Goodbye Devin. You made the first two weeks more exciting than the next two. Thank you for that. 

10. Donny

BOTB: 20
POV: 30/30
Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 80
Alliances: Team America, Holier than Thou Trinity,
Awards: First Family Visit

Other than Arianna Grande, Donny's family is the first to get a home visit on BB16 showing that Donny is definitely one of the stars of this season. He's not in a very good position gamewise though, as his little rebel alliance is vastly outnumbered by the House Alliance. 

11. Frankie

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 50
Alliances: The Detonators, Frankie and Christine, Zankie
Awards: N/A

Frankie began rebooting his game this week, and taking a bit of a more passive role. He's smart though, so he could definitely still rise up to take control of the game in the second half. 

12. Zach

Strategy: 30
Social: 10
Show: 30
Alliances: The Boyz, The Detonators, Zankie
Awards: N/A

Zach is an extremely overrated Big Brother player Twitter. The only thing he does better than Victoria is have a dick so he was included in the guys' alliances. Other than that he seems to be a DR favorite, since they use him to explain what is going on in the house, even though he does very little to actually influence what is going on. Other than GETTING HIMSELF NOMINATED in week two, Zach has really done nothing in this game. 

13. Nicole

Dethroned HOH: 20/50
Strategy: 20
Social: 40
Show: 50
Alliances: Hayden and Nicole, Nicotine, The Trilogy
Awards: NA

Nicole made that Frog outfit adorable, and she is adorable. She's also not a BAD Big Brother player, although she did not do anything this week. She might still be a player to watch later on in the game, but for now she's not doing much which is kind of boring. 

14. Victoria

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 10
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush

Victoria wasn't nominated. Good for her. 

Showplay Rankings:

1. Devin: 490
2. Caleb: 240
3. Donny: 220
4. Frankie: 220
5. Zach: 210
6. Derrick: 160
7. Nicole: 140
8. Amber: 130
9. Brittany: 120
10. Pow Pow: 110
11: Hayden: 100
12. Cody: 90
13. Joey: 80
14. Victoria: 60
15. Christine: 60
16. Jocasta: 50

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Derrick: 525
2. Cody: 445
3. Hayden: 400
4. Frankie: 360
5. Christine: 340
6. Nicole: 310
7. Donny: 270
8. Zach: 230
9. Caleb: 150
10. Amber: 125
11. Jocasta: 120
12. Victoria: 100
13. Brittany: 90
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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