Thursday, June 19, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Cast Preview

Tom's Take:

So based on thirty seconds of looking at these HG's let's make wild predictions on how the next 90 days will play out with them.

1. Caleb

A country boy who strikes me as someone who won't have much scrambling game, so if he gets put on the ropes early he'll be taken out quick, but if he gets himself in on the power he could definitely make a Hayden like run.

Prediction: 10-13th place. Ultimately I seem him getting an early power position that crumbles just before the half way point of the game. 

2. Amber

Amber strikes me as a great person to align with because she doesn't have that ruthless streak to backstab her allies, and she wants to win comps. Unfortunately she doesn't strike me as sharp enough to do well in a lot of the mental comps and I see her getting involved in some girl drama. Perhaps a strong showmance partner takes her to jury, but then the more ruthless players will seize the game.

Prediction: 6-9th Place

3. Brittany

I'm actually getting a pretty solid vibe from Brittany. I think we've got someone who will be able to manipulate but won't be seen a strong enough player to be worth targetting. The result is that at around the halfway point she really steps up. She is someone I have my eye on to win this.

Prediction: Top Four

4. Christine

A female super fan, which is what I've been wanting. But I'm getting Michelle BB11 vibes rather than Neda vibes. I think Christine's intelligence will stand out and make her a target for a male power alliance.

Prediction: 13-16th place

5. Cody

Cody is a very mellow seeming player which probably looks good for his chances, and he wants ONE strong ally which shows a fairly solid understanding of the game. He could be someone worth watching, especially if he's the guy in the house who can relate well to the girls. But he's not giving me that vibe, so I don't think I can predict him getting the title.

Prediction: 6-9th Place

6. Derrick

Derrick is a cop but he wants to hide that. I don't like that idea. I think he'll try to be a loyal ally but get cut for being a big target. Maybe he's in power for a week or two? But then he gets cut when the game shifts.

Prediction: 13-16th Place.

7. Hayden

I think Hayden will get caught up in a string of male evictions, when the girls get their act together and take over for a hot second.

Predictions: 10-13th place

8. Jocasta

Jocasta could be the first one evicted. However I think she manages to stay, possibly because BB wants to avoid the accusations of racism and puts in a twist to save her, but I'm doubtful that Jocasta has a real shot at this game. Maybe she makes it to jury.

Prediction: 6-9th place.

9. Joey

She's no Katie Holmes. Joey is another person I think could get evicted in week one. But I do have hopes for an all girl's alliance that I think Joey could be huge in.

Prediction: 10-13th Place

10. Devin

Devin is the eye candy of the season in my completely heterosexual opinion. Seriously guy looks good. Could be a big target for being seen as a big threat, but otherwise I think he makes it decently far just based on playing a low key social game.

Prediction: 5-7th Place.

11. Donny

Donny has a beard.

Prediction: 3rd Place.

12. Frankie

Frankie is the brother of Ariana Grande which means he will win fan favorite and every production twist will ATTEMPT to benefit him. Ultimately though, BB will fail to push him to the finals if he can't get to the end of the game on his own merit. Ultimately I see Frankie as more of a Wil Heuser than an Andy Herren, so I think he will fall short.

Prediction: 5-7th Place.

13. Zach

Zach is going to try and be the villain of the season, and I'm actually looking forward to his attempt. He could fail and get voted out pretty quick, but I've decided to be optimistic about him instead.

Prediction: Top Four

14. Nicole

Nicole will be a coaster I think. Snooze fest.

Prediction: 6-9th place.

15. Victoria

Victoria is currently my crush, so I'm predicting she goes far. Go pretty brunettes!

Prediction: Final Four

16. Paola

I think Paola gets evicted first.

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