Saturday, June 14, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Discussing Tony's Win

Tom's Take:

I would like to apologize for how late this is in coming. I got really bogged down there for a while, and didn't get a chance to review the last few episodes of Survivor. So since the finale is long gone and we all know who won already, I think I'll just dedicate this post to dissecting this great season of Survivor as a whole.

First of congratulations to Team TV for winning the season. You earned it, although I was rooting for Woo to make the right decision there at the end, Tony was a great winner.

Perhaps the best thing about Tony's win was that the edit didn't give it away. Even though Tony had control of the game the entire time, the editing always made him seem like the Coach of the season, someone who was destined to fail despite having so much control.

Spencer was edited as a great player, even though I think he was really just a strong competitor who managed to take credit for some of Tony's more erratic game moves as brilliant moves on his part. There were chances for Spencer to make some really great moves in this game, that he simply didn't make. He could have used his idol far more effectively in turning Jeffra to his side, he could have made sure that Kass never flipped in the first place, ultimately I think he was much further away from winning the game then Malcolm was in Philippines even though they both got the great hero to root for edit.

And Woo got another great edit, so much that when we got to the final two of Woo and Tony after Woo's boneheaded move to bring Tony, I almost started to believe that Woo might win due to a bitter jury. He didn't but editing almost made me want him to win, which is a sign of a well edited season.

Besides giving Tony a balanced edit that reflected a player that both dominated the game and was highly erratic most of the time, the show also won with Tony winning, because it finally set the precedent that Big Moves = Winning. Hopefully people will see Survivor Cagayan and try to play like Tony played, because his gameplay, whether good or bad, was incredibly entertaining.

Great Season, and I think Survivor is in a new Golden Age much like TV as a whole right now, and I am looking forward to Blood Vs. Water II.

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