Saturday, May 17, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada 2 Game and Show Final 3 Weeks

Tom's Take:

I am emotionally devastated by that finale since Neda came so close to winning, only to be cut off from the end in such a brutal way. But moving past that, I have to respect Jon for making that move because it won him the game. Jon was a great player this season, I ranked him as the second best going into these last few weeks, and he took out the actual best player, so he fully deserved his win.

Congratulation Jon Pardy.

1. Adel

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 90
Awards: N/A
Alliances: N/a

Adel made a noble effort to stay, but as soon as Heather won POV he was screwed. It just made no sense for Neda to keep him, and she was in control of the game at that point. Maybe if he had made a f2 with Neda INSTEAD of Jon he would have had a chance. Instead he was a sacrifice to set up what looked like an inevitable Neda victory.

2. Heather

POV: 50/100
Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 100
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Heads and Neds,

I loved Heather this season, but after making her big move of taking down Sara and helping take down Arlie, she really faded back into the background and did not contribute a lot to the end game other than being an obstacle for Jon's victory.

3. Neda

Strategy: 200
Social: 100
Show: 200
Awards: Heartbreak, Future Allstar

Neda played a flawless game, and on paper she had it won. Then Jon shocked us all by voting her out at the last second. So we have to acknowledge that Jon deserved the win, and perhaps Neda's social game was not as good as it should be that her closest ally would backstab her. Still, I loved watching Neda this season and can't wait for her inevitable return in BBCAN Allstars.

4. Jon

HOH: (Adel's Eviction: 30/100
Final POV: 50/100
Final HOH: 100/100
Strategy: 100
Social: 150
Show: 200
Awards: Winner
Alliances: N/A

Jon fully deserves this win, but in those last three evictions, the only one that actually benefitted his chances of winning was the final one. He lost Adel who would have taken him to F2, and cutting Heather over Neda didn't actually make sense since Heather WOULD have taken him to F2 over Neda, But in the end Jon managed to win his way to the end and take a goat that he easily crushed in that final vote. So congratulations, but I still think Neda is better.

5. Sabrina

HOH: 50/100
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 110
Awards: 2nd Place
Alliances: N/A

Sabrina solidified herself as a Goat and it got her 20 grand. Congratulations Sabrina!

Showplay Rankings:

1. Neda: 650
2. Jon: 620
3. Sabrina: 530
4. Adel: 460
5. Heather: 420
6. Arlie: 3907. Allison: 290
8. Ika: 280
9. Rachelle: 230
10. Kenny: 220
11. Andrew: 190
12. Sarah: 180
13. Paul: 140
14.Kyle: 50
15.  Anick: 40

Gameplay rankings

1. Neda: 1560
2. Jon: 1385
3. Arlie: 950
4. Heather: 880
5. Sarah: 870
6. Sabrina: 855
7. Kenny: 800
8. Adel: 690
9. Andrew: 540
10. Rachelle: 340
11. Allison: 220
12. Ika: 150
13. Paul: 30
14. Kyle: 30
15. Anick: 0

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