Monday, December 16, 2013

Five Drinks Into How I Met Your Mother The Final Season "Bass Player Wanted"

Tom's Take:

We finally got more screen time for the Mother, and while I enjoyed her performance and the Mother as a character, I didn't particularly love this episode. It had a cute gimmick, but I wanted more flashforwards.

Here's a list of Eleven random thoughts

1. The Homeland Finale was on last night, and although I enjoyed it, I don't think there should be another season.
2. I wonder how Robin will meet the Mother.
3. Should I care more about that type of scotch?
4. Marshall finally makes it to the wedding. Finally!
5. A return of the Pause!
6. I don't want Robin to do stupid voices ever.
7. Adorable and hilarious!
8. Darren was a fun character.
9.  How will Robin and Marshall react to Ted's Chicago plan?
10. Okay so that will be how Ted confesses feelings for Robin.
11. These lists got annoying, as this season disappointed me.

Episode MVP: The Mother, since I like seeing her.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

This was a fun episode, that had some heart to it as well, but it didn't blow me away.

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