Sunday, December 15, 2013

Five Drinks Into Survivor Blood Vs. Water Finale "It's My Night"

Tom's Take:

And the finale had a completely predictable outcome, but it was a fun ride. And I think Tyson delivered a top notch final tribal speech that was definitely worth the million dollars.

Kasama Merged Tribe

1. Hayden: (149 points)

Hayden played the second best game this season, as he was the last true obstacle in Tyson's path to victory. He played a great game, especially getting Ciera to go to rocks. And this made it super entertaining at the end.

Prediction: Winner
1st Episode Prediction: Winner
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
10th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
11th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
12th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
Final Outcome 7th Place

2. Ciera: (205 points)

Ciera will be back for another season, I think. She played a very entertaining game, and although she didn't win, she played to win. And she got props from Probst, which is pretty rare for girls. 

Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Finalist
6th Episode Prediction: Finalist
7th Episode Prediction: Finalist
8th Episode Prediction: Finalist Alternative Winner Pick
9th Episode Prediction: Finalist
10th Episode Prediction: Finalist
13th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Place

3. Tyson: (320 points)

 Tyson played a phenomenal game. I put this win on par with Parvati in Fans vs. Favorites, and the best part of his win was how fun he was to watch. Major props, as he's probably the most entertaining winner ever.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode  Prediction: Winner
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Winner
7th Episode Prediction: Winner
8th Episode Prediction: Winner
9th Episode Prediction: Winner
10th Episode Prediction: Winner
11th Episode Prediction: Winner
12th Episode Prediction: Winner
13th Episode Prediction: Winner

4. Gervase (199 points)

Gervase never had a chance to topple Tyson. He was the beta in the relationship. 

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Finalist
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Finalist
7th Episode Prediction: Finalist
8th Episode Prediction: Finalist
9th Episode Prediction: Finalist
10th Episode Prediction: Finalist
11th Episode Prediction: Finalist
12th Episode Prediction: Finalist
13th Episode Prediction: Finalist
3rd Place


5. Monica (178 points)

This finale was all about Monica and why she didn't win. It was like they had to pack all of Monica's story into these last few episodes. It was almost painful to watch.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
10th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
11th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
12th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
13th Episode Prediction: Finalist
2nd Place

6. Laura M. (119 points)

Laura falters at the last moment, so we could get our emotional Morett scene.

Prediction: Pre-Merge
Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
10th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
11th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
12th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
13th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Place

7. Tina: (115 points)

Tina stole Laura and Hayden's chance of stealing the game. But she never stood a chance of winning that final immunity. 

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
8th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
9th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
10th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
11th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
12th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
13th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Place

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