Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 27 Episode 7 "Swoop In For the Kill"

Tom's Take:

Another fun episode that served as great set up for next week where we'll see a merge, and then the war between Tyson's Five and the Aras-Tina-Katie-Vytas foursome. The key players going forward in this merge will be Monica and whoever comes back from Redemption Island in determining how this will all shake out.

Tadhana (+10 points)

1. Hayden: (76 points)

I think this was our first major Hayden episode as we got him dealing with Kat's elimination, but more important from the strategic standpoint was him joining the group I'm now calling the Tyson Five. And you know what, I think the Tyson Five will be the final five. The question is how will everyone within the Tyson Five finish at the end game? On paper, I think the three newbies finish as the final three, but I'm not betting against the Coconut Bandits. But Hayden is in really good shape.

Prediction: Winner
1st Episode Prediction: Winner
2nd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

2. Ciera: (62 points)

Ciera's luck has really taken a turnaround. She has joined the Tyson Five, and I still see her joining with the Coconut Bandits to reach the Finals.

Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Finalist
6th Episode Prediction: Finalist
7th Episode Prediction: Finalist

3. Caleb: (63 points)

Caleb has faded back into the background. He must not be giving very good confessionals.

Prediction: Early Juror.
Prediction: Finalist
2nd Episode Prediction: Finalist
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror.
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

4. Aras (97 points)

Aras and Vytas have both been given a good edit, so there's still a chance they flip things on Team Tyson. But I think he'll be heading to Redemption Island next week.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Finalist
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Finalist
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

5. Tyson: (140 points)

Tyson is the star of the show, and I am digging watching him on this season. Tyson for the win!

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode  Prediction: Winner
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Winner
7th Episode Prediction: Winner

6. Gervase (103 points)

Go Coconut Bandits!

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Late Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Finalist
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Finalist
7th Episode Prediction: Finalist


7. Tina: (87 points)

I still think Tina is the one really calling the shots at Galang, but the edit continues to give Monica credit, which makes me think Monica will end up making it further than her. Tina may be going early at the merge, but she's done a great job dominating the early part of the game. She's a great player.

Prediction: Late Juror
1st Episode Prediction: Early Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Finalist
4th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror


8. Monica (85 points)

Monica is getting a lot of credit, so I think she'll make it far with the Tyson Five. She may be the actual finalist instead of Ciera. We'll see how it plays out, as she'll be in a lot of trouble at the merge.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Late Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Late Juror

9. Laura B.: (74 points)

Wow. Just terrible gameplay from Laura B. Absolutely terrible. 

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

10. Vytas: (83 points)

Vytas continues to survive, and continues to be a bad ass at Tribal Council. He could still take back the Winner's spot from Tyson, but he's a major character any way you slice it.

Prediction: Finalist
1st Episode Prediction: Late Juror
2nd Episode Prediction: Winner
3rd Episode Prediction: Winner
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Winner
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

11. Katie: (16 points)

Katie got a line in tonight!

Prediction: Pre-Merge
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

Redemption Islanders

12. John: (54 points)

John keeps winning Redemption Island! But I don't think he's made for the upcoming endurance challenge.

Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Finalist
2nd Episode Prediction: Early Juror
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge 
5th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
6th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
7th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge

13. Laura M. (73 points)

Laura survived another round, and I think she'll be coming into the game, and may even get a decent spot in the Tyson Five.

Prediction: Pre-Merge
Prediction: Early Juror
Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
4th Episode Prediction: Early Juror
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Prediction: Early Juror

14. Kat: (55 points)

Kat got a bunch of airtime tonight.

Prediction: Early Boot
1st Episode Prediction: Early Boot
2nd Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
3rd Episode Prediction: Early Boot
4th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
5th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
6th Episode Prediction: Pre-Merge
7th Episode Boot:

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