Monday, October 28, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 7 "No Questions Asked"

Tom's Take:

A solid episode that finally brought us to the Marshall and Lily conflict, although I am shocked that Marshall still hasn't arrived at the hotel.

Things that made me laugh

Why is Robin wearing a Teletubby outfit?
Ted being stuck in a mail box.
The Hotel attendant

Since there are 17 episodes left of the season, here is a list of 17 unused ideas for the no questions asked joke.

1. Barney hanging upside down naked in his apartment.
2. Ted and Barney being handcuffed to one another, and unable to find the key.
3. Robin having lost a gun at an amusement park.
4. Ted needing to steal a pineapple from a girl.
5. Lily has to destroy a car.
6. Barney is wearing a dress.
7. Marshall needs help cleaning up a giant pizza stuck on the ceiling.
8. Ted needs help to learn Mandarin.
9. Robin can't walk for two days.
10. Marshall has lost his sense of smell.
11. Ted needs to bury a barrel full of cash.
12. Barney needs to hack into a Fantasy Football League, because for some reason he didn't start Megatron.
13. Marshall needs to learn an Asian joke.
14. Robin needs all her alcohol secretly replaced with water.
15. Ted has never seen Breaking Bad.
16. Everyone is lost in the woods.
17. I need an idea for a funny joke to put here.

Episode MVP: Ted. His was the funniest flashback.

Rating: 7.0 out of 10. Solid, but the Robin and Barney stuff was a little lame, Marshall was actually pretty boring, but the gimmick joke made me chuckle. So kudos to that.

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