Thursday, August 29, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Week 9 Game and Show

Tom's Take:

Elissa finally got in the game this week at the same time that Judd re entered the game. The result was her taking the first shot at McCranda and missing horribly. She came out of the week without really making an alliance though, and instead is simply in a slightly better place in the game then McCranda is going into this next week.

1. Spencer

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 25
Alliances: Exterminators 
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer has graduated from Pawn Star to being in the best position in the house. He just lays back and lets everyone else fall apart around him now. 

2. Aaryn

Strategy: 30
Social: 40
Show: 130
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Comp Queen

Aaryn campaigned for herself to stay, but she never did the thing that would actually make sense and try to convince McCranda that Andy was no longer with them. The result is that she never had their vote, and her parting words, that they would regret this, is completely right. They will regret evicting Aaryn, because Andy has abandoned them.  

3. Amanda

PoV: 50/50
Strategy: 100
Social: 50
Show: 260
Alliances: McCranda, 
Awards: Future Allstar, MVP

Amanda went crazy this week when she was in danger, and the result is that she was annoying and pissed off most of her fellow houseguests. However a good deal of it was strategic, as she was attempting to save Andy from the block, and she almost succeeded there, and she also drove a wedge between Elissa and the other HG's, which could help her in the upcoming week. 

4. Andy

Strategy: 30
Social: 50
Show: 45
Alliances: Exterminators
Awards: N/A

Andy abandoned ship this week, and it really could have cost him. If GM wanted to save Aaryn she could have told McCranda about the Exterminators. She didn't but it was really sloppy of Andy to do this. Andy is probably  the frontrunner to win the game at this point, but he's doing it by being a rat. 

5. Elissa

HoH: 60/100
Strategy: 90
Social: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Elissa took a shot at McCranda, but missed and took out Aaryn instead because she allowed her vendetta against Aaryn to stop her from making the simpler nominations. She was derailed by this and despite some initial inroads with Judd, she ended up being the only non-McCranda member not included in The Exterminator alliance.  

6. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 60
Social: 70
Show: 45
Alliances: The Exterminators
Awards: N/A

GM is honestly playing one of the smarter games in the BB house which shocks me to the core, but she's in a great spot moving forward, and more and more I think that GM stands a legitimate chance of winning this game. That seems so ridiculous, but there it is. 

7. McCrae

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 15
Alliances:  McCranda, 
Awards: N/A

McCrae sucks. There it is. McCrae is my least favorite player in the game right now. All he does is hide behind Amanda, and if she goes he'll have nothing. 

8. Judd 2.0

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 90
Alliances: The Exterminators
Awards: N/A

I was not a fan of Gary Glitter returning to BBCAN, so I disagree with Judd being brought back on general principle, but he's come to play.  Judd is now the player Amanda feared before, but she has been blinded by her hate of Elissa, that she doesn't see how he's turned the tables on her. 


1. Amanda: 1295
2. Aaryn: 1135
3. Andy: 1135
4. Judd: 870
5. Helen: 790
6. McCrae: 735
7. Spencer: 590
8. Elissa: 545
9. Howard: 515
10. Jessie: 510
11. GinaMarie: 390
12. Candice: 280
13. Jeremy: 250
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1570
2. Aaryn: 1160
3. Helen: 525
4. McCrae: 495
5. Ginamarie: 475
6. Judd: 465
7. Elissa: 440
8.  Andy: 415
9. Howard: 350
10. Candice: 325
11. Spencer: 310
12.  Jessie: 305
13. Jeremy: 300
14. Kaitlin: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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