Friday, August 9, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Week 6

Tom's Take:

GM won HoH which most  people thought would lead to some giant move but instead lead to a very predictable Candice eviction. Then things got dark when Amanda didn't know who was nominating her and decided to blame it on the one player in the game she thought was smart enough to pull it off, Judd. The result was that America's  MVP status lead to one of the best players in the game getting the boot in the second eviction of this week's double eviction.

1. Spencer

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 60
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer has become the pawn star of the season, and I predict that he will continue to go up every week unless he wins HoH or gets evicted. His game is pretty much done already, it's just a matter of time until the rest of the house decides to kick him out.

2. Aaryn

HoH: 40/100
PoV: 15/30
Strategy: 50
Social: 70
Show: 110
Alliances: N/A
Awards: True MVP, Best Move for completely ducking the radar,

Aaryn is playing a very strong game and winning competitions to pepper her resume in case she makes it to the end. Besides being the top competitor in the game she also has little to no target on her back at the moment, and she has multiple people in her corner seeing her as a tool to use in their end game. Getting rid of Judd was not the best move for Aaryn's game, but continuing to be the House Tool has served her well in the game.

3. Amanda

Strategy: 80
Social: 50
Show: 240
Alliances: McCranda
Awards: Future Allstar

Amanda is the star of the show without any question. She is funny at times, infuriating at others, and depending on whether you're a tv viewer or feed watcher she's either a great villain or a crazy dramatic mess who has stumbled into an amazing position in the game. She gets what she wants every week, even if what she wants isn't always what she should want. Getting rid of Judd might not have been the best thing for her game, since he was loyal to her, but then again so is almost everyone else, and Judd was one of the better players anyways. 

4. Andy

Strategy: 60
Social: 80
Show: 60
Alliances: McCranda
Awards: N/A

Andy is playing the servant to two masters, both Helen and Amanda on the surface, but from where I'm sitting he's more loyal to Amanda and making sure that Helen doesn't turn on her. People watching the show are probably pissed that he's not turning on either of the pairs (McCranda and the Mom Squad) that he's aligned with, but it's just not in his best interest to. Keep the pairs together long enough and then play them against each other near the end and scoop up the remains to take to the final two.    

5.  Candice

Strategy: 40
Social: 20
Show: 100
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Best TV Edit for making it seem like she was a major player when she never ever was.

I'm giving Candice credit for having a good read on the game and for people feeling bad for her when they voted her out, but she was not a very good player. She did have one of the best eviction speeches of all time and I just wish that keeping it real with Candy was something we got to see more of on the live feeds. 

6. Elissa

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Alliances: Mom Squad
Awards: N/A

Elissa is a pawn for Helen, but people see that so maybe they'll take Helen out before her.

7. GinaMarie 

HoH: 30/100
Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 130
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

GM is a lot of fun for the show, but I would say that she has the smallest chance of winning the game at this point.

8. Jessie

PoV: 30/30
Strategy: 40
Social: 10
Show: 90
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jessie stepped up as a factor in the game by being the "David" to Amanda's "Goliath" but what she doesn't realize is that Amanda is a Goliath in the game because she has the numbers and Jessie just has no chance to get them anymore. People are locked into their place in the game, and she is locked into a place on the bottom rung.

9.  Judd

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 140
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Oh Judd. Your eviction was far and away the saddest eviction I've ever witnessed. You were so loyal to Amanda and McCrae but the MVP twist caused so much paranoia that McCranda just doubted every thing he said and he was playing such a strong game that they had reasons to doubt him. The MVP twist once again screwed over one of the best players in the game.  

10. Helen 

Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Getting Judd out WAS truly beneficial for Helen, because Judd was more loyal to McCranda then to her, and would have turned on her sooner rather than later. I think if there's an obstacle to Amanda winning this game is Helen pulling an uprising against her, but the window for that is closing as each week passes and McCranda flips more and more pawns to their side. 

11. McCrae

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 140
Alliances:  McCranda
Awards: Worst Move for letting Amanda turn on Judd.

McCrae was set up in a great position to hide behind Amanda to get to the end, but with the loss of Judd, I strongly believe that if he is ever on the block against Amanda, he will be the one sent home, and I also think that as everyone who gets evicted believes Amanda to be running their pair, if they do end up in the final two she will be the one to win. McCrae's only real responsibility in the game is to keep Amanda calm and he fails miserably at that, so I don't really think he deserves to win either.   


1. Aaryn: 755
2. Amanda: 755
3. Andy: 720
4. Judd: 710
5. McCrae: 635
6. Helen: 610
7. Howard: 515
8. Jessie: 410
9. Spencer: 370
10. Candice: 280
11. Elissa: 265
12. Jeremy: 250
13. GinaMarie: 200
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1060
2. Aaryn: 750
3. Judd: 375
4. McCrae: 360
5. Howard: 350
6. Candice: 325
7. Ginamarie: 310
8. Jeremy: 300
9. Helen: 285
10. Spencer: 215
11.  Jessie: 215
12. Elissa: 210
13. Kaitlin: 180
14.  Andy: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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