Thursday, August 1, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Week 5

Tom's Take:

Aaryn did the bidding of the house this week, and got Howard out. As an Amanda fan, I was on board with this and was happy to see Howard go. He was nowhere near as interesting as CBS tried to make him out to be. The result was a lot of shaking up as The House alliance shifted around a bunch this week as Howard pretty much solidified the Amanda/McCrae/Helen/Elissa alliance by targeting them.

1. Howard

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 110
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Howard put up a fight this week, and I give him kudos for that, but he wasn't able to turn things around although I will give him props for people feeling sad when they evicted him..

2. Spencer

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 80
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Spencer got into some fights this week which was fun, and he did a good job saving himself from the block. Other than that his game has been crushed and he's now got no choice but to play low man on the totem pole and try and work his way up.

3. Aaryn

HoH: 90/100
Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 120
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Best move for playing a pretty flawless week. True MVP.

A top notch week of gameplay from Aaryn, as she is able to play the game without her former bad associations. She is playing a surprisingly good game considering everything. She has the ability to eat shit and go with the flow which is an important skill to have. Play the puppet and you can become the puppet master later down the road. 

4. Amanda

Strategy: 70
Social: 60
Show: 240
Alliances: McCranda
Awards: DR Queen

Amanda is amazing. Despite doing the opposite of what anyone would think as logical on the block strategy, she managed to question all her allies causing paranoia and tension that somehow DID NOT result in her getting voted out, and instead lead to people in her alliance turning on OTHER people. And somehow, she is still the person setting the agenda. 

5. Andy

Strategy: 70
Social: 60
Show: 50
Alliances: McCranda
Awards: N/A

Andy is in a great spot playing third to the McCranda duo. He has two votes for him against anyone else, and they'll be the targets that get broken up before the Final Three. He is also playing the role of mending bridges that Amanda and McCrae burn. He does a great job of this and is actually a much more valuable member to the team than McCrae is although I'll get to that later.  

6.  Candice

Strategy: 10
Social: 0
Show: 125
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Worst Move for calling a house meeting while on the block. 

Candice burned a lot of bridges this week, and it was a lot of fun to watch her do it. I am not a fan of Candice, and I'm hoping she goes this upcoming week so that my players can make it to jury.  

7. Elissa

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Elissa is just another vote for Helen to use on her way to the top. 

8. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

GM is a pawn for Aaryn to use on her way to the top. 

9. Jessie

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jessie messed up her game by trying to think for herself. All she had to do was stick with Judd, but that got broken up by Amanda's paranoia leaving her vulnerable to attack. 

10.  Judd

Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 75
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Judd's alliance turned their back on him this week, and I don't think he's even fully realized it yet. He does have good relationships with Aaryn and GM though, so that could be his saving grace in the game.  

11. Helen 

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 70
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Helen is aligned with everyone and also willing to turn on everyone. That is good for her in the game although she has a big ego and I feel like Andy is actually the alpha in their relationship. We'll see how that goes though. 

12. McCrae

Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 40
Alliances:  McCranda
Awards: N/A

McCrae is probably Amanda's least valuable ally because all he does from a game standpoint is hide behind her and whisper his overly paranoid rantings into her ears causing her to lose her cool. 


1. Judd: 710
2. Aaryn: 630
3. Amanda: 625
4. McCrae: 615
5. Andy: 580
6. Howard: 515
7. Helen: 490
8. Spencer: 370
9. Jessie: 330
10. Jeremy: 250
11. Elissa: 245
12. Candice: 220
13. Nick: 150
14. GinaMarie: 130
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 820
2. Aaryn: 640
3. Howard:350
4. Jeremy: 300
5. Helen: 255
6. Judd: 235
7. Candice: 225
8. McCrae: 220
9. Elissa: 190
10. Kaitlin: 180
11. Ginamarie: 180
12. Spencer: 155
13.  Andy: 140
14. Nick: 130
15.  Jessie: 125
16. David: 100

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