Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week7

Tom's Take:

A lot of people were pissed off at the "lack of moves" this week, but I enjoy weeks like these, because they are filled with scheming, plotting, and preparation for moves. The Cold War between Amanda and Helen has been going on for weeks under the surface, but this week the Cold War escalated as Amanda finally decided it was time to make her move on Helen, and one of those two will be going up next week, as the two finally clash.

1. Spencer

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 40
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Pawn Star

Spencer continues to be the Pawn Star of the season, as he was able to beat Jessie to the punch of pledging his loyalty to Amanda and McCrae. His game is in the toilet, but he's still alive and has some hope of making some sort of comeback.

2. Aaryn

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 140
Alliances: 3 A.M.
Awards: Comp Queen

Aaryn is a dominant player this season, and very well could be in the best position in the game. Her new alliance with McCrae/Amanda/Andy gives her a legitimate shot at making it to the final four, and from there I think she can win out and make the finals. Will she be able to get the jury votes at the end? I think she might, especially with her increasing resume of competition wins. 

3. Amanda

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 120
Alliances: McCranda, 3 AM
Awards: Future Allstar

Our show's star played with her food this week as she absorbed as much intel as possible from Jessie about Helen, and finally decided she was ready to turn on Helen. Her one blind spot appears to be Elissa, who she trusts for some bizarre reason, but we'll work on that later. 

4. Andy

HoH: 40/100
PoV: 25/50
Strategy: 80
Social: 90
Show: 60
Alliances: 3 AM
Awards: This Week's MVP

Andy has chosen his true master now. He is with Amanda until the end now, and I think Jessie's outbursts helped him see how full of shit Helen was. He played this week safe, but there's no real problem with that when you're in such a good position. He's almost locked into a final four spot to my point of view, but we'll have to see if he can get himself to the end and claim credit for enough moves to win the game.    

5. Elissa

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Alliances: Mom Squad
Awards: N/A

Elissa is terrible. She's one of the worst players and also the least interesting character in the cast.

6. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 80
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

GM got into a pointless fight with Aaryn which was her one contribution to this week, since she is not even remotely involved in the gameplay going on. 

7. Jessie

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 90
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Best Move for blowing up Helen's Spot

Jessie went out swinging this week, and to my delight she turned on Helen in the end and tried her hardest to take Helen down with her. And she was mostly successful to my point of view. 

8. Helen 

Strategy: 10
Social: 80
Show: 120
Alliances: Mom Squad
Awards: N/A

Helen is a good enough social player that people will feel bad stabbing her in the back, but not a good enough strategic player that she'll be able to stop it from coming. She's in trouble, as Amanda has turned the house on her, so it'll be interesting to see if she can get herself out of it. 

9. McCrae

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 70
Alliances:  McCranda, 3 AM
Awards: N/A

McCrae's fake final three with Helen and Andy was an interesting bit of gameplay from him, but otherwise he continues to be Amanda's bitch in this game. 


1. Andy: 955
2. Amanda: 935
3. Aaryn: 915
4. McCrae: 715
5. Judd: 710
6. Helen: 700
7. Howard: 515
8. Jessie: 510
9. Spencer: 390
10. Elissa: 285
11. Candice: 280
12. Jeremy: 250
13. GinaMarie: 220
14. Nick: 150
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 1180
2. Aaryn: 890
3. McCrae: 430
4. Helen: 405
5. Ginamarie: 390
6. Judd: 375
7. Howard: 350
8. Candice: 325
9.  Jessie: 305
10. Jeremy: 300
11.  Andy: 290
12. Spencer: 255
13. Elissa: 230
14. Kaitlin: 180
15. Nick: 130
16. David: 100

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