Friday, July 26, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Week 4

Tom's Take:

The "Mean Girls" were broken up this week, and Big Brother 15 has started down what I hope is the path of Aaryn getting redemption. Wouldn't that be the best story of all time.

1. Howard

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 75
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Howard sensed he might be going on the block so he began building up an ant army to topple the Grasshoppers of McCrae and Amanda, only for himself to be completely outmaneuvered  by said Grasshoppers and left losing Kaitlin who would have been a loyal soldier in favor of Aaryn who is firmly with Amanda and McCrae. Bad call Howard, but I still think you probably have the skills to work your way out of it.    

2. Spencer

Strategy: 40
Social: 50
Show: 15
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Spencer is tied to Howard which may be a sinking ship, but he's got connections to people which could allow him to work his way back into the mold. 

3. Aaryn

Strategy: 70
Social: 30
Show: 95
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Best move for surviving in a unanimous vote and starting her path to redemption. 

Way to go Aaryn. She survived a week, won HoH securing that America can't shank her with the MVP, and now she's working on a path to redemption. 

4. Amanda

Strategy: 90
Social: 40
Show: 200
Alliances: Goof Troupe, McCranda
Awards: N/A

Amanda has become the star of the show with Jeremy gone, and she had like 50% of the DRs on the Sunday and Wednesday episodes. She outplayed Howard and Spencer badly this week, but her ability to manipulate people is lacking any sort of tact. Still she keeps getting her way, so it seems like it's working. 

5. Andy

Strategy: 50
Social: 70
Show: 30
Alliances: Goof Troupe, 
Awards: N/A

Andy has been under the radar for the show, but he's playing a decent game, although he's better at entering conversations than actually doing anything with them. He isn't seeming to work any type of agenda on the house right now. 

6.  Candice

Strategy: 30
Social: 10
Show: 10
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Candice annoys me, and she is working against Amanda, but she appears to be losing every battle, although the girls in the house continue to have connections with her. 

7. Elissa

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 85
Alliances: Rogue Agent 
Awards: Worst Move for calling a house meeting and putting a huge target on her back. 

Elissa is a shitty game player but she's actually become an interesting character on the show although probably not the one the producers were hoping for. She isn't the lovable mom, she's the judgmental church lady type that gets on people's nerves and can't play based on any type of sense. 

8. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 40
Social: 20
Show: 65
Alliances: N/A
Awards: DR Queen

GM is a lot of fun. Her game is starting to come out, as she becomes more and more pivotal to upcoming power struggles, but she still isn't a major gamer. 

9. Jessie

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 10
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Wow, Jessie is barely on the show. But she's playing a pretty good game all things considered. She's under the radar but safe from almost every side.  

10.  Judd

HoH: 90/100
Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 85
Alliances: Goof Troupe, 
Awards:  Real MVP

Judd's game was almost perfect this week, but he did come off as kind of wimp to his closest allies. He probably got figured out as the "rat" of the Grasshopper alliance, but I don't think that will be a big deal for him. 

11. Helen 

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 35
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Helen wants to be in an alliance with everyone, which is fine I guess until she has to actually vote someone out. 

12. Kaitlin

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 50
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Kaitlin had no game and chose Team Howard over Team Amanda which cost her. 

13. McCrae

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 35
Alliances: Goof Troupe, McCranda
Awards: N/A

McCrae doesn't have Amanda's game sense, but he does have the sense to keep quiet when Amanda is painting a huge target on her back. He'll outlast her and go on a rampage afterwards in my opinion. 


1. Judd: 660
2. McCrae: 585
3. Amanda: 495
4. Andy: 450
5. Howard: 415
6. Helen: 390
7. Aaryn: 360
8. Spencer: 320
9. Jessie: 310
10. Jeremy: 250
11. Elissa: 225
12. Candice: 210
13. Nick: 150
14. GinaMarie: 90
15. Kaitlin: 85
16. David: 30


1. Amanda: 580
2. Aaryn: 520
3. Jeremy: 300
4. Howard:240
5. Helen: 185
6. McCrae: 180
7. Kaitlin: 180
8. Elissa: 170
9. Judd: 160
10. Ginamarie: 160
11. Nick: 130
12. David: 100
13. Candice: 100
14.  Jessie: 95
15.  Andy: 90
16. Spencer: 75

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