Thursday, July 18, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Week Three Game and Show

Tom's Take:

Week Three is in the books. A lot happened underneath the surface and some new power players emerged and some fun alliances were formed. So let's dive into what these players are doing!

1. Howard

Strategy: 40
Social: 50
Show: 80
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Worst Move for getting caught up in his lies and earning a massive target.

Howard is a strong player, but he's got himself a massive target because other people are seeing how good a player he is. I think Elissa and Helen were focused more on Aaryn and Jeremy, but if McCrae or Amanda had won HoH, Howard probably would have gone this week.  

2. Spencer

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Spencer correctly identified himself as a wounded puppy in the game, and I wish they would just strangle him and take him out. For the record I love puppies. That was an off color joke. I just really hate Spencer. 

3. Aaryn

Strategy: 60
Social: 20
Show: 150
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Holy crap. Aaryn will soon become the most universally hated reality tv star of all time. Just amazing. On the game side, she slowly started to work some life into her game by working closely with Amanda and McCrae. 

4. Amanda

Strategy: 90
Social: 60
Show: 120
Alliances: McCranda, Goof Troupe, Knockouts
Awards: Queen of the DR

I am firmly on board Team Amanda. She is awesome. I wanted to root for McCrae because of his superfan status, but he's kind of boring to be honest. Luckily McCrae is with Amanda so she helps redeem him. Amanda's game is a bit too aggressive, and she has isolated herself with McCrae a little too often, but she's positioned herself well in the house, so I'm giving her game major props. 

5. Andy

Strategy: 70
Social: 70
Show: 15
Alliances: Goof Troupe, Knockouts
Awards: N/A

Andy seemingly joined tighter with McCrae/Amanda/Judd/Jessie than with Elissa and Helen this week, and I give him props for wiggling his way into the most important alliances, but he doesn't really seem like a font of power on his own. I do give him more social game credit though, since he talks with people a lot which is important in this game.   

6.  Candice

Strategy: 10
Social: 40
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Candice was the victim of Aaryn's attacks, but that doesn't really make HER an interesting character, and I'm not even really that sympathetic to her to be honest, since the stuff she's responding too isn't the same stuff that we all hate about Aaryn.   

7. Elissa

MVP: 0/10
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 25
Alliances: Knockouts

She is playing an okay, but I'm just not really interested in her as a gamer, and I cringe whenever I have to watch her on the feeds. 

8. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 60
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Ginamarie continues to have no game, but she is entertaining as hell and provides a lot of entertainment for the other hamsters too. 

9. Jeremy 

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 70
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jeremy was to BB15 what Jessie was to BB10 and Tom was to BBC1. He was a lot of fun on the feeds and a great character in the show, but he was not a very good gamer. He did a good job this week though, although it was a little too late.  

10. Jessie

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 25
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jessie should just stick with Judd. It's a good strategy. 

11.  Judd

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 40
Alliances: Goof Troupe, Knockouts
Awards:  Real MVP

Judd is playing a fantastic game. He's in the same alliances as McCranda and Andy, but he's also got Jessie and he also plays a much lower key social game and can talk with anyone without anyone suddenly targeting him. 

12. Helen 

HoH: 50/100
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 40
Alliances: Knockouts
Awards: N/A

Helen had a major case of HoHitis and she isolated her closest ally Andy with her sanctimonious behavior and also made promises to more people than possible. I couldn't stand  her on the feeds this week, and I much preferred McCrae/Amanda's showmancing to her preaching. But she did get who she wanted out which is good for her. 

13. Kaitlin

POV: 15/30
Strategy: 0
Social: 20
Show: 60
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Kaitlin got some sympathy out of having to help send Jeremy out the door by using the veto. So good for her. 

15. McCrae

Strategy: 90
Social: 50
Show: 35
Alliances: Goof Troupe, Knockouts
Awards: Best Move for outing the Moving Company first

McCrae is set up well, but he's a little too paranoid. He needs to trust Amanda's instincts on who to trust, but reign in her rampages and the two would be an incredible pair in terms of social game. That first HoH still has him a healthy leader in terms of gameplay, but he's playing second fiddle to Amanda in the game. He'll have to rely on competitions to claim a victory over her.  


1. McCrae: 485
2. Judd: 390
3. Amanda: 365
4. Helen: 350
5. Andy: 330
6. Howard: 315
7. Aaryn: 260
8. Jeremy: 250
9. Spencer: 230
10. Jessie: 210
11. Elissa: 195
12. Candice: 170
13. Nick: 150
14. Kaitlin: 85
15. GinaMarie: 30
16. David: 30


1. Aaryn: 425
2. Amanda: 380
3. Jeremy: 300
4. Howard:165
5. Helen: 150
6. McCrae: 130
7. Kaitlin: 130
8. Nick: 130
9. David: 100
10. Ginamarie: 95
11. Candice: 90
12.  Jessie: 85
13. Elissa: 85
14. Judd: 75
15.  Andy: 60
16. Spencer: 60

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