Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Game and Show Week 2

Tom's Take:

Week Two was a big week for this show. CBS addressed the racism on the live show. The Moving Company was broken up and a new seemingly truly invincible alliance was formed.

1. Howard

Strategy: 30
Social: 50
Show: 75
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

This was a bad week for Spencer and Howard, but Howard came off somewhat better because of his ability to play cool and manipulate Candice. This might help him down the line in cracking back into the main alliance, but he's still in trouble.  

2. Spencer

Strategy: 40
Social: 10
Show: 15
Alliances: N/A
Awards: Worst Move for losing control of his side of the house and pushing to hard against Amanda.

I continue to hate Spencer. I am firmly on Team Amanda so his hatred of her rubs me the wrong way. For his game it was a bad week too as Helen, Andy, and Candice figured out he was with Jeremy and now no longer trust a word he says. 

3. Aaryn

HoH: 50/100
Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 175
Alliances: Triangle of Thrust
Awards: N/A

Aaryn was the star of the show this week, but probably not for the reasons she would have liked. She got slammed twice by CBS for racist remarks. What's worse is her complete indifference when Amanda tried to correct her about her remarks. She instead got on her high horse and claimed people were being racist to her for calling her "barbie." Horrible, horrible thing to do. Everyone should read by Big Brother 4 Winner Jun Song to understand a little bit more why this was so terrible. It's a really good article that made me think over my ideas on what those words mean.

4. Amanda

Strategy: 60
Social: 60
Show: 150
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: Queen of the DR

I love Amanda. She is fun and brings her own level of drama to the feeds, including nipple bandaids. She is hilarious and the queen of the DR right now, so I hope that she gets some MVP consideration although there's someone else who played great this week. This week she gets points for going from target #1 to eliminating a member of the MC and finally forcing McCrae fully to her side. 

5. Andy

Strategy: 40
Social: 40
Show: 20
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

Andy is playing a floater game, although he is firmly in the Majority Alliance. He is Mr. Interrupter on the feeds. He enters every conversation right as it's getting good.  

6.  Candice

Strategy: 70
Social: 30
Show: 35
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Candice figured out the MC, so I give her massive props for that. Her only weakness is that she believes everything Howard says to her. That's her big weakness in this game. 

7. Elissa

MVP: 10/10
Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Show: 30
Alliances: Best Move for getting Jessie to flip and vote to keep her. 

She did good. But she does have a massive advantage in this game and it's like a cheat code in a video game to be honest.  

8. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Ginamarie has no game, but she does add some New York flair. She should get some more heat from CBS but they've chosen to focus on Aaryn. 

9. Jeremy 

PoV: 30/30
Strategy: 20
Social: 0
Show: 100
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jeremy continues to be a star of the show, but man is it ugly sometimes. He kept himself save by winning POV but his cockiness insured that the whole house remained against him.  

10. Jessie

Strategy: 50
Social: 30
Show: 30
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

Jessie found a side. Good for her. And her budding relationship with Judd!

11.  Judd

Strategy: 70
Social: 90
Show: 25
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

I love Judd so much. He and Jessie should go far in this game.  

12. Helen 

Strategy: 90
Social: 90
Show: 100
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: True MVP

This was Helen's week, make no mistake. She emerged from Elissa's shadow and became the strong protagonist of the show. She is the hero to Aaryn's villain and I am firmly rooting for her to win the game. She is using Elissa's MVP status like a video game cheat code to advance herself in the game. Her only fault is that she's a bit sanctimonious and I worry that she's going to have trouble making the truly hard choices later on down the line, but I think she'll be in a position to make those hard decisions. 

13. Nick

Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 90
Alliances: Moving Company RIP
Awards: N/A

Oh Nick. You and your over elaborate schemes caught up to you. 

14. Kaitlin

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 20
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Kaitlin is another player with no game.

15. McCrae

Strategy: 50
Social: 50
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

McCrae flipped on the Moving Company. I love this move for him because he's practically guaranteed himself jury and he's found a way to protect Amanda too. 


1. McCrae: 345
2. Helen: 240
3. Howard: 225
4. Judd: 220
5. Amanda: 215
6. Spencer: 210
7. Andy: 190
8. Aaryn: 180
9. Nick: 150
10. Jeremy: 150
11. Elissa: 135
12. Candice: 120
13. Jessie: 110
14. Kaitlin: 50
15. GinaMarie: 30
16. David: 30


1. Aaryn: 275
2. Amanda: 260
3. Jeremy: 230
4. Nick: 130
5. Helen: 110
6. David: 100
7. McCrae: 95
8. Howard: 85
9. Kaitlin: 70
10.  Jessie: 60
11. Elissa: 60
12. Candice: 60
13.  Andy: 45
14. Spencer: 40
15. Judd: 35
16. Ginamarie: 35

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