Thursday, July 4, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 15 Week 1 Game and Show

Tom's Take:

So Big Brother 15 has begun and we've got drama. First things first. For those watching the live feeds, you know that there have been a lot of really uncomfortable and politically incorrect language by some of the house guests. I don't want to spend too much time talking about it since they are going to get a ton of shit after the game is over. Instead let's focus on the game goings on.

1. Howard

Strategy: 70
Social: 75
Show: 10
Alliances: Moving Company, Majority  Team,
Awards: N/A

Howard isn't putting up a great show, but he's playing a strong game. He's gotten into the right alliance and is laying low despite seemingly being an obvious physical threat.  

2. Spencer

Strategy: 80
Social: 80
Show: 25
Alliances: Moving Company
Awards: N/A

I hate Spencer. I think he is a vile human being and a misogynist. But he is playing a strong game. He's more outgoing than Howard which may cost him later on, but for now he's in a good position. Ugh. I hope he crashes and burns. 

3. Aaryn

Strategy: 40
Social: 30
Show: 100
Alliances: Boats n Hoes
Awards: Worst Move for putting Big Brother in TMZ with her racist comments

People are hating on Aaryn all across America, and it's somewhat deserved, but honestly everyone makes mistakes, and she's here to play the game and making some good TV as she does it. 

4. Amanda

Strategy: 55
Social: 40
Show: 110
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: Queen of the DR

I am a fan of Amanda, and I want her to go far. I am incredibly interested and intrigued by her Showmance with McCrae, but unfortunately I think Amanda will be going home within a couple of weeks. She talks too much and put a huge target on her back from being in the HoH room too much. 

5. Andy

Strategy: 40
Social: 70
Show: 25
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

Andy is playing a great social game, and he's very pleasant on the feeds. He's getting manipulated by Spencer right now though, which is very unfortunate.  

6.  Candice

Strategy: 10
Social: 10
Show: 25
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Candice really didn't add much to the show this week, despite being put on the block.

7.  David

Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 100
First Boot

David oh David. You were comedy gold. But you needed to go to set the tone for this season as one of vicious blindsides. 

8. Elissa

MVP: 10/10
Strategy: 10
Social: 5
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A

Elissa is Rachel's sister. Got that? Because we're going to spend a lot of airtime covering that over and over again. 

9. GinaMarie 

Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 5
Alliances: Boats N Hoes
Awards: N/A

Ginamarie is a piece of work. She'll probably make it far as part of this trashy season. 

10. Jeremy 

Strategy: 60
Social: 40
Show: 130
Alliances: Boats N Hoes, Moving Company
Awards: Star of the show

Jeremy is the star of the show and that's not a good thing. He's got some natural charisma that some people in the house find charming and he has placed himself in a good position, so I think he will be going far in the game. That makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little. His negligible Cherokee heritage makes him a disgrace to all peoples, and he is the star of this season. Thanks BB! 

11. Jessie

Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 30
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

Jessie started off getting portrayed as very vain but by the end of this week she was one of the most likeable people on her side of the house. Very weird. 

12.  Judd

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 20
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

Judd is hilarious. I hope we get more of him on the feeds. 

13. Helen 

Strategy: 30
Social: 30
Show: 10
Alliances: Majority Alliance
Awards: N/A

Helen cries too much. But she's a nice person and I'm really rooting for the nice people to make it far in the game. 

14. Nick

Strategy: 60
Social: 50
Show: 40
Alliances: Moving Company, Boats n Hoes
Awards: N/A

Nick may be Boogie 2.0 and he seems to be overplaying the game by a lot, but I don't think he's stupid enough to get caught. Plus he just seems to have numbers on his side. A lot of people are enamored by his game and while I don't think he's incredible, he is playing well. I'll say there's a lot of room for him to grow on me. 

15. Kaitlin

Strategy: 15
Social: 35
Show: 50
Alliances: Boats N Hoes
Awards: N/A

Kaitlin is fun. I like her. She's in a showmance with a despicable person but whatever. I hope she figures them out at some point. 

16. McCrae

HoH: 80/100
Pov: 15/30
Strategy: 80
Social: 70
Alliances: Moving Company, Majority Alliance
Awards: Best Move for the Bloodless kill, My MVP vote for week 2, 

McCrae played a great week one, but he needs to watch himself for the members of his alliance who are not to be trusted. 


1. McCrae: 245
2. Spencer: 160
3. Howard: 145
4. Nick: 110
5. Andy: 110
6. Jeremy: 100
7. Amanda: 95
8. Aaryn: 70
9. Judd: 60
10. Helen: 60
11. Kaitlin: 50
12. GinaMarie: 30
13. David: 30
14. Jessie: 30
15. Elissa: 25
16. Candice: 20


1. Jeremy: 130
2. Amanda: 110
3. Aaryn: 100
4. David: 100
5. McCrae: 70
6. Kaitlin: 50
7. Nick: 40
8.  Jessie: 30
9. Elissa: 30
10. Candice: 25
11.  Andy: 25
12. Spencer: 25
13. Judd: 10 
14. Helen: 10
15. Howard: 10
16. Ginamarie: 5

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