Sunday, June 23, 2013

Big Brother 15 Cast Preview

Tom's Take:

So we've got our cast, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming season of Big Brother.

First off, I think three nominations is an interesting twist, and I'm curious to see how that plays out, although I hope for the dynamics of the game that three nominations ends by the time they get to jury.

As for the America's MVP twist, I'm somewhat skeptical of this, but we'll see if America can get their heads out of their asses and vote based on strategy and not just for the nice people they like. My guess is that it will be used to pushed Elissa further in the game to give us more opportunities for Rachel Reilly cameos.

Anyways, without further ado  let's jump into my cast preview!


Howard. He's black, he's cool, and he seems athletic. I think Howard will be a Veto beast that plays a strong enough social game to make it to the jury. I'm rooting for him to win the first MVP to insure he isn't the first boot. Realistically, I doubt he'll win, but I think he should make it to the second half of the game and I hope we have a strong competitor to provide drama on that front.


Spencer. My gut feeling on Spencer is that his beard annoys me. I don't like people who can grow beards. I think he'll end up being a dud who ends up getting evicted early jury.


Aaryn. Aaryn is my vote for hot second boot. I really see the amount of hot girls this season causing a bunch of drama, and ending with a lot of the hot girls going early. I have someone else in mind for the first boot, so I'm putting Aaryn in the second boot slot. 


Amanda. I like Amanda. I think she could be the seductress of the season since she seems very willing to use her body to get ahead. The problem is that she apparently has a boyfriend at home. I predict that relationship will not last the season. I think she'll end up being a strong player this season and I'll go ahead and predict she makes the jury before she finally gets taken out in one of the last big evictions of the season. 


Andy. Andy is our gay. He's got a good head on his shoulders and he'll be a strong social player. I think he could be a finalist if he doesn't do anything stupid.


Candice. Candice will be an early boot due to not fitting in with the white girls. It won't be put this way of course.  I'm sure it'll have something to do with jealousy or whatever, but that's what it will come down to.


David. Hello Spicoli. I hope you make it far just so that I have someone to focus my hatred on. If the other houseguests are smart they'll keep David in the house to beat up on strategically, but my real prediction is that he ends up annoying people and being an early boot. 


Elissa. Elissa is Rachel Reilly's sister. So yeah. CBS will bend the rules to keep Elissa in the game, so I think she makes it to jury based on that alone. Then I think an ounce of integrity or their lack of talent at rigging the game will force CBS to let Elissa go. 


GinaMarie. GinaMarie is our New Yorker,  so I think we need her for comedy purposes. She'll make jury for sure. 


Jeremy. Jeremy is  young but I see him being in a showmance that will cause a lot of early drama in the house. 


Jessie. Jessie will come out of this season as America's Sweetheart, and may even win fan favorite. She won't make the final two, but she'll come close and her eviction will be heartbreaking. 


Judd. Judd is a southerner and speaks in a completely unintelligible accent/dialect. He's my prediction for most comedy gold moments in this season. 


Helen. Helen is a Korean political consultant and I'm somewhat smitten with her. I'm not voting for her to get MVP because I don't want her to have power early in the game. I want her to win. That's right. Helen is my official winner prediction.  


Nick. Oh my god Nick is annoying. I think that unless Nick gets into an early showmance he will quickly be on the outs for the first week. Nick is my first eviction pick of the season. 


Kaitlin. Kaitlin is hot and she could easily replace one of the other girls as the victor in the early katty drama, but I'm going with my gut instinct and saying she doesn't. She'll be another early boot. 


McCrae. People have watched Ian and Cochran win BB14 and Survivor Caramoan respectively. They won't let McCrae win. He should be fun on the feeds though, so I hope he makes jury.

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