Saturday, February 9, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 26 Preview The Fans

Tom's Take:

So this won't be as in depth as the Favorites preview, mostly because we don't know the Fans as well yet, but I think I'll give everyone at least a sketch, and a prediction.

1. Allie

Nothing about Allie really blows me away, and I have a feeling that like most of the fans, Allie will be a forgettable character in the long run. For some reason though, I feel like there will end up being a chick alliance among the Fans. I think with a surplus of strong guys, the women will not be afraid to vote them out early, and thus the girls will make it pretty far.

Prediction: Early Juror

2. Eddie

Eddie looks like an athletic guy, and he's a fireman so he'll probably be pretty useful in the challenges. That's why I think the Fans will win some early challenges and get a cushion before their first Tribal Council. Once there though, it'll be time for the players to play, and I don't think Eddie will be one of those players.

Prediction: Early Boot

3. Hope

I think Hope might be the pretties of the Fans. That said, I don't see a great player in her, but again I think that the Fans will be dominated by a chick alliance, so I expect her to get pretty far.

Prediction: Late Juror

4. Julia

Julia is a race car driver, and is a self admitted recruit, but after being recruited she took a crash course by watching the show. I'm going to take something of a contrarian view here, and say that I actually like this. The title of "Fans" vs. Favorites is a little disingenuous of course, but I feel like she's coming into the game having studied how to play rather than just longing to go for the adventure. The result is that I think Julia will be a player in this game, and if I thought a fan could win this season, I might even pick her. Alas, I don't think this season can end up going to a fan, and instead Julia will come up just short.

Prediction: Late Juror

5. Laura

Laura is another one of the female fans I have pegged for big things. She's clearly a true fan, and yet during her interviews she seemed intelligent and well spoken. I think the young girls are going to band together and form a type of sorority alliance.

Prediction: Late Juror

6. Matt

Matt strikes me as someone who was brought on to the season just for his look. I expect him to be completely clueless out there and not to be able to fit into the sorority clique. 

Prediction: Early Boot.

7. Michael

I think Michael will be a player early in this game, and unlike Matt I think Michael will be able to connect well with the young female members of his tribe. Is that me stereotyping, because Michael is gay? Yes, probably, but there you have it. Unfortunately I think a tribe swap will put him with favorites who see his being a player as a threat, and get rid of him.

Prediction: Pre-Merge

8. Reynold

My other prediction for the Fan tribe is that Reynold takes command. I think it's a possibility, and it could be that Reynold will be able to take the Favorites as well, but there's something about him that just doesn't quite sell me on him. That's why I went with my sorority alliance theory instead, and I think Reynold will end up biting it once there's a tribe swap.

Prediction: Pre-Merge

9. Shamar

Shamar looks like he could have been a big character if this was a season with more room for big characters. I think he'll bring some early drama to the tribe, and I'm looking forward to him giving some fun confessionals. I think Shamar's physical prowess will keep him in the game until the merge, and then he will quickly be booted out.

Prediction: Early Juror

10. Sherri

Sherri is a true fan, and I am happy for her to have a chance to play this game. I think she could easily be the spoiler of my sorority alliance theory, because I see her being a crucial swing vote early for the fate of the fan tribe alliance. She'll be a player in this game, but I think that'll make her an early target for the favorites, and they'll work to get rid of her before the younger girls once the merge happens.

Predictions: Early Juror

So those are my predictions for this season. Look forward to me being totally wrong!

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