Friday, November 23, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 10 "Whiners are Weiners"

Tom's Take:

This was a fun episode, although sort of predictable with the way the alliances are set up now. If I'm right then it looks like right now everyone is against Abi Maria. Of course within the dominant alliance, we've got three pairs maneuvering around each other and coming together for a problematic final 4. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, and whether they force the issue on the next episode or wait until they get rid of Abi merely because she's annoying.

Dang Rayne Tribe

 Penner: (236 points) Penner continues to be very overrated and this episode proves that to me in spades. He's managed to work himself into a truly dominant position, but he fails to capitalize on Lisa's distrust of Malcolm by rejecting her final 3 offer. What is he thinking? Isn't that like rule number 1. If someone offers you a final 3 deal, even if you're completely uninterested, you say yes!

 Carter:  (131 points) That's two immunity wins for the least talkative member of the cast. He also seems nice enough to win if he makes it to the end. Could the editors be fooling us all?

 Jeff Kent: (152 points) Second Juror

 Denise: (188 points)  Why don't we know about this final 3 deal she was talking about with Penner and Skupin? Denise is playing one of the best strategic and social games on the island, and it's a shame the editors don't show us more of her reasoning. She's a part of the current Final Four Alliance which is running the game. For the first time this season she's on top. It'll be interesting to see if she can remain in that position.

Mike Skupin: (207 points) Skupin was presented as being a bit egotistical in this episode which is odd. Once again he looked like the swing vote, but it made no sense for him to make a move against Malcolm. This Final Four is good for him, at least for the time being. I don't think he can beat anyone but Abi though, based on Artis' hate of him which I'm sure is tainting the jury even as we speak, or even as this was filmed months ago.

 Abi Maria: (204 points) I love Abi, and this episode did a great job of humanizing her despite their best efforts to make her seem annoying. She's immature, but she's still a person and does not deserve to be treated like garbage. Especially since no one seems to be smart enough to take her to the end, and thus she WILL be a future juror.

 Artis:  (113 points) Third Juror.

 RC: (144 points) First Juror.

 Lisa: (214 points) So apparently she was aware of Skupin's plan to flip, and joined him on turning on the former Tandang Tribe. She also continued her rivalry with Malcolm by choosing Penner over Malcolm to try and make her final alliance. Penner's reluctance to align with her blew that out of the water, and so instead she switched back. For anyone who wants to hate on Lisa for letting Malcolm win this game, please note that she really did try to turn on him. No one was willing to help.

 Peter: (159 points) I give Peter a lot of credit for presenting Malcolm as an alternative and working his ass off to try and stay. He was not the one responsible for Skupin and Lisa flipping. That was Abi's fault. But he had his chance to take out Malcolm when Lisa suggested it, and he didn't take it. So he deserves this.

 Malcolm: (270 points) Malcolm hasn't made any huge moves or won any individual immunities, but he's playing the power game, and he's doing it very well. That hidden immunity idol pretty much guarantees him final 4, and once there he'll just have to win that final challenge, which shouldn't be too tough. I still would rather him take Abi for the easy win, but he would need others to be willing to go with him and Abi, and Denise is not having that any more.

Final 11 Rankings

1. Malcolm: 270
2. Penner: 236
3. Lisa: 214
4. Skupin: 207
5. Abi Maria: 204
6. Denise: 188
7. Peter: 159
8. Jeff Kent: 152
9. RC: 144
10. Carter: 131
11. Artis: 113

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